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We literally hit 2000 subscribers when I started college, let that sink in. We hit 2000 when I started college, and that was about a month ago. I'm gonna be laying down some college advice for students who are applying to college right now. I'm here to give you some advice before, during and after after, like before and during your college application process. My first piece of advice for those you are applying to college is to choose a school. If you haven't already that you would like to apply E D, too. If you have a top choice, like have a school that you'd rather go to A supposed like your other options who apply e D. Because at least for my like applicant pool, you're a lot of schools filled up the class size with, like E D applicants. So you really have, like, a top school, especially if it's like ivy or like somewhere. That's like our reach school that you really, really want to go to. I personally did not apply e d e A. Because I didn't really see the value in it. I didn't really have, like, a top school at the time, up until, like the E d date had passed. If you get in in December, you're done in a similar vein when you're applying to colleges and you're like trying to decide, like where you actually want to apply one quality. I highly recommend is considering your options and seeing which college has like a location that were like the college isn't the main focus, Alex. I recommend finding a college where, like your college, isn't like the main focal point off. Like the city, there's act like some cities that are run by the college. That is definitely a college town, and there's nothing wrong with that. As long as like there's things going on, like outside of like college. Some schools like when, like a fall break or like a winter break happens and like a lot of people leave like the city shuts down, it's dead. It's like completely dead because campus is dead, which means that the city is that and personally like I don't really buy about that. Black can run on its own like there's things like Do in the city when you're not in school were not in classes G W in D. C. At a really good relationship, like they're kind of like integrated with each other. You're still a ton of things to do in the city like you could go to the monuments. Well, I just recommend, like you do some research intellect, the cities that your schools are in and seeing whether, like, things are actually going on. My third piece of advice is that before you actually like, apply to college, do some soul searching and find out how hard you actually want to work in college. What do you mean? This is like figure out if you want school would be like your number one thing like the only thing you do because they're definitely schools that, like, do that if you want, like, more of, like a balanced lifestyle like you work, sometimes you like, have fun. Sometimes you like socialize sometimes like more of like a holistic approach to college, where it's like, not as stressful or not as like, academically focused. I'm not saying that I'm saying, like school challenge you, but at the same time, they give you time in space like do other things like school is like the only thing you're doing looks like of schools like the only thing you're doing. My fourth piece of advice is that when you're applying to schools, especially if you're like in like a science, he feels or like in a field that is like up and coming, like not a lot of schools are like really into that field. Do some research on schools and figure out like which schools are actually up and coming in that field because a lot of people don't realize this. It doesn't really matter the state of your program when you go in like for me, Like the bio programming G W. Was like up incoming delegates. Like if you're applying for, like, jobs, they're not going. Oh, yeah, George Washington wasn't really that created by, like four years ago, but it is not like you can really come here like it matters like where they are now. So like if you are in like a stem field and applying to like a school that isn't like, huge and stand out. They're putting a ton and tons of money and effort into building up that program they don't like necessarily come about school out. Apply my fifth and final piece of advice for you college applicants is reach out to students that are attending the school is you want to go to. I know this may seem like scary or daunting, but like if you have like a friend or like even someone who graduated from your school that goes to a school like you're interested in, make contact with them and ask them, like what? Their experiences, especially for doing something similar to what you want to be doing because they could either, eh? Beer mentor? Or do you just give you like the scoop on Wants it down like What's going on campus like what things are really like on Cape is because you never really know what's going on on campus unless you like Ted into the school. I remember this was so helpful when I was applying to colleges, I would reach out to people who are attending schools that I was interested in, and they basically give me, like information on things I wouldn't be told to me, like through tours like from like the admissions office, like serious things like what student like this actually like. What the administration at your school are at the school is actually like. So I have a combined like even if, Like you don't know someone who, like, go to a certain school, I'm sure, like our friend, or like someone online does so just have conversations and, like, see, like how they like the school. If you are, like a similar path, career wise or like major wise that ask them what that's like Because the last thing you want to do is let go in completely blind. Might be like, blindsided by, like allow school actually sucks like I don't like it here. If you enjoy this video, let me know by leaving a wake and commenting down below this was helpful or not, or basically anything you really want to make sure you hit the bell icon and turn my post modifications.