Shaffer Art Building and SU Gallery
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So this is our official arts building, And right behind me is Thie Art Gallery, which I am going to take you to. This is usually where the visual arts students have their classes. You can always just come in here, get some inspiration or, you know, just come and just observe some art work, Um, and it's available for free for the students. Like when I come here, I just feel like I'm in some rolls museum original thinking, and I love it so much because it's so fun and really inspires me. So whenever I just feel I need a little pick me up, I just come here. When I was touring, Syracuse University, came here, took a picture nexus, and it was like, Oh, I don't know if I'm going to come to Syracuse. I got in, I came, and then I come visit this thing, and it just never mind some of that moment of, like, coming to Syracuse and, um, being in doubt of life gonna come here.