Lally Education Building Tour
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I took my computer science class in the lobby building my first year of college, and that is in the basement. So they have different kinds of classes in this building, but it's predominantly education classes. When you walk into this education building, you can already see how nice it looks, how formal it looks. There are elevators here to take you to different floors. There's about three floors over here is the forum, and this is where they sometimes hold meetings. I remember being a first year student, and we sat here for some club meetings. So when you walk up here to the second floor, all there is on these floors are classrooms and a balcony view of what we already saw, and the third and fourth floor look exactly the same just more classrooms. It's the same set up, so there's really nothing more to show. All the classrooms and Lally are basically lecture style classrooms through quick, typical high school classrooms. They probably only hold twenty students, rarely have any classes in Lally because I'm a communication student. If you are going for education, English, liberal arts, anything in that category, then you might find you'll have classes in this building. This building is still pretty close to everything else on campus, so nothing's too far. It is definitely a building you'd want to see when you go on campus, but has always stay tuned for more videos and I'll see you guys later.