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It's I woke up at 5 15 5 and I'm gonna take you guys on my journey today. It was good through wastelands, ways from a shadow to sun rays. 230 be Wait way you'll see that, right? And we'll go. So we're gonna take photos, take photos, your phone. What's getting thinking? You know, it's funny. Oh, we're gonna go show the packs will be shot by day photo shoot time. That's something else I've given in two years. Oh, Five minutes later, I feel like pole from country Panda one. What do you guys think is water? Is this water drinkable? And my going to get sick? I don't want to get sick. I lost my goal probe Kiss last my go pro on the first day. You think it's gonna make it good? Like an hour and 1/2 2 hours? Yeah, well, I mean, really, but did I feel like we'll be back in? No way. Nature may tell us why you're so happy all the time. All right? Why am I so happy? Yeah, People from the Anthony show guys, but you can't take life. Like even with Anthony's Gopro today, you lost within the first day. I knew this blogging thing, but you guys, look, it's just step back. At the end of the day, there's gonna be step back life and overcome each point with a positive attitude and a smile on your face. We got some great footage of myths and you're gonna love the waterfall that was super scenic. You're gonna love that really big like, because it's hard to reach it. There is probably never a peek to where you can reach your full potential. There's always somewhere on route to growth and just keep prospering at the end of the day is taught to smile on your face. Okay, but what does that have to do with you? Just like your life, my little life? I mean, how gonna put me on this? He's gonna put me on the spot like that. No, I mean, I just treat the world and everyone around it of I would like to be treated myself, and you always got to be happy. No one wants to approach a gloomy, sad individual. Know, Maybe right now, right now, with a little gloomy is really sorry that you got a little mad, but you know he's going to overcome it. Okay with that, When you're going up a mountain, you quit. What? Gary? So I'm filling out college students attempt. I don't think that only thing that sucked is that there was a detour. One and two could not find parking to save our lives. Honestly, Um I mean, besides all of that, like, I honestly had so much fun. It's like I mean, I'm someone that likes to live in the moment living them.