2024 Microbiology/Bacteriology Scholarships Finder

How much total award money and scholarships are available for Microbiology/Bacteriology students?

There are 1534 scholarships totaling $18,100.00 available to Microbiology/Bacteriology students. You can easily browse through all 1534 scholarships below.

How many scholarships are available for Microbiology/Bacteriology students?

1534 are available for Microbiology/Bacteriology students.

How can you get Microbiology/Bacteriology scholarships?

Each scholarship has different criteria and requirements for applicants. You can easily browse the each Microbiology/Bacteriology scholarships by clicking to view its details. From the details page you’ll be able to find the application link.

George and Cleo Cross Summer Research Fellowship
University of Oklahoma
Applicant must have a minimum 3.0 GPA, demonstrated financial need. At the end of summer research fellow must submit a five-page report to the scholarship committee.
March 26
Patricia Collins Amaral Memorial Fund
Bridgewater State University
Applicant must be a senior who has a minimum 3.0 GPA and who has demonstrated the finest qualities of leadership through participation in campus organizations and has rendered service of significant benefit to the campus community.
February 15
Turney Scholarship
Adams State College
Applicant must have a minimum 3.25 GPA and demonstrate financial need.
March 1
Sertoma Club of Greenwood, Dr. Robert L. Hamill Memorial Scholarship
Johnson County Community Foundation
Applicant must be a graduating senior from a Johnson County high school who will pursue a full-time baccalaureate course of study at an accredited college or university in the field of biochemistry, chemistry, or microbiology.
February 21
NYWEA Major Environmental Career Scholarship
New York Water Environment Association Inc.
Applicants must be residents of the state of New York and must be high school seniors who plan to enroll full-time in an environment-related bachelor's degree program no later than the fall following graduation. The programs could include but are not limited to environmental engineering, civil engineering with an environmental minor,...
March 8
Creative Biolabs
Creative Biolabs
Applicants must be enrolled as a freshman, undergraduate, graduate or doctoral student at an accredited college or university. Students must be pursuing a major in a science related field. Applicants must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher. Students must submit, application, transcripts and essay. Selection criteria includes...
June 15
Max and Adele Levine Scholarship
Iowa State University
Applicant must be a graduate from an Iowa secondary school. Selection is based upon academic achievement and financial need. Preference given to majors in: chemistry, civil engineering, engineering, food technology, microbiology, and zoology.
February 15
Alumni Association Scholarship
Bridgewater State University
Applicant must demonstrate community leadership and have met the award criteria established by the Alumni Association's Scholarship Committee. Applicant must have completed 12 credits last semester and 24 credits at Bridgewater State College as of December 31. Applicants who have transferred from Massachusetts Community Colleges, Dean College, or Quincy College are...
February 15