Providing visual, video content that's authentic & student-driven... allowing our guides to feel ownership again of the story of Hampshire; and, hopefully, allowing prospective visitors the chance to at least see parts of the college we couldn't offer during our lockdown.
Michael Montogmery
Associate Director of Admissions
It has helped us increase our video output without having to hire production teams. We are able to add a variety of videos to our website and also to our other platforms which is especially helpful when prospective students aren't able to come to campus to meet us.
Lauren Spagnoletti
Marketing Manager
Customer service has been great...Allows us to have quality videos about our campus that are done by students in their own words. This is a message how the student feels about campus and through their eyes. These are the most powerful messages prospective students can receive.
Juan Perez
Director of Admissions
The platforms that the videos have made it to is the biggest benefit for us. Being able to put up content in front of someone without them having to specifically go looking for it is a big boost.
Ian Capozzoli
Admissions Counselor