How to Transfer Colleges: The Complete Guide for 2025
Each year, every college updates its transfer requirements and process…
This article leverages the most up-to-date data so you can navigate your college transfer process with ease and certainty. CampusReel contains transfer data on every college and university in the country.
Transferring colleges can be exciting, scary, overwhelming and - well, you get the point…
Rest assured that you are not alone in this process. In fact, 37.2% of college students transfer to another college within six years of starting at the original institution.
There are A LOT of moving parts that go into transferring colleges, so let’s break the process down step by step.
Step 1: Analyze Your Primary Reason for Transferring
Most transfer students change schools due to three types of variables: social, geographic and academic.
Social variables can include disliking your roommates, having trouble making friends, embarrassing yourself at a party, etc. If this sounds like you, I encourage you to think about how the environment at a new school will impact these variables.
This is important to analyze because it will help explain your rationale to a new target school.
Bear in mind that if your primary reason for transferring colleges is a social factor, many of these factors persist on other college campuses...
You cannot escape peer pressure or drugs, for instance - they are elements of virtually every college experience.
However, if you are currently at a small school and don’t get along with your peers, then moving to a big school may very well help you find a better circle of friends.
Geographic and academic reasons for transferring are much more straightforward.
Key Takeaway: your primary reason for transferring colleges should be for a concrete and purposeful desire that the future university can fulfill.
Need chances at a college?
Select College Abilene Christian University
Adams State University
Adelphi University
Agnes Scott College
Alabama State University
Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Albany State University
Albertus Magnus College
Albion College
Albright College
Alfred University
Alice Lloyd College
Allegheny College
Allen College
Alma College
Alvernia University
Alverno College
American Baptist College
American International College
American University (AU)
Amherst College
Anderson University
Anderson University
Andrews University
Angelo State University
Appalachian Bible College
Appalachian State University
Aquinas College (MI)
Arcadia University
Arizona State University-Tempe (ASU)
Arkansas State University-Main Campus
Arkansas Tech University
Arlington Baptist University
Asbury University
Ashland University
Assumption College
Athens State University
Auburn University at Montgomery
Auburn University (AU)
Augsburg University
Augustana College
Augustana University
Aurora University
Austin College
Austin Peay State University (APSU)
Averett University
Avila University
Azusa Pacific University (APU)
Baker University (BU)
Baldwin Wallace University
Ball State University (BSU)
Barclay College
Bard College
Barnard College
Barnes-Jewish College Goldfarb School of Nursing
Barry University
Barton College
Bates College
Baylor University
Bay Path University
Beacon College
Becker College
Bellarmine University
Belmont University
Beloit College
Benedictine College
Benedictine University
Bennett College
Bennington College
Bentley University
Berea College
Berklee College of Music
Berry College (BC)
Bethany College
Bethany College
Bethany Lutheran College
Bethel College-Indiana
Bethel University
Bethel University (BU)
Bethune-Cookman University
Biola University
Birmingham Southern College
Blackburn College
Blessing Rieman College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Bluefield College
Bluefield State College
Blue Mountain College
Bluffton University
Bob Jones University
Boise State University (BSU)
Boston College (BC)
Boston University (BU)
Bowdoin College
Bowling Green State University-Main Campus (BGSU)
Bradley University
Brandeis University
Brenau University
Brevard College
Bridgewater College
Brigham Young University-Provo (BYU)
Brown University
Bryant University
Bryan University
Bryn Athyn College of the New Church
Bryn Mawr College
Bucknell University
Buena Vista University
Butler University
Cairn University-Langhorne
Caldwell University
California Baptist University (CBU)
California College of the Arts
California Institute of Technology
California Institute of the Arts
California Lutheran University (CLU)
California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo
California State Polytechnic University-Pomona
California State University-Bakersfield
California State University-Chico
California State University-East Bay
California State University-Fresno
California State University-Fullerton (CSUF)
California State University-Long Beach (CSULB)
California State University-Los Angeles
California State University Maritime Academy
California State University-Monterey Bay
California State University-Northridge
California State University-Sacramento
California State University-San Bernardino
California State University San Marcos, Extended Learning
California State University-Stanislaus
California University of Pennsylvania
Calvary University
Calvin College
Cambridge College
Cameron University
Campbellsville University
Canisius College
Capital University
Cardinal Stritch University
Caribbean University-Bayamon
Carleton College
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
Carroll College
Carson-Newman University
Case Western Reserve University (CWRU)
Catawba College
Catholic University of America
Cazenovia College
Cedar Crest College
Cedarville University
Centenary College of Louisiana
Central College
Central Connecticut State University
Central Michigan University (CMU)
Central State University
Central Washington University
Centre College
Chaminade University of Honolulu
Champlain College
Chapman University (CU)
Charles R Drew University of Medicine and Science
Chatham University
Chestnut Hill College
Chowan University
Christian Brothers University
Christopher Newport University
Claflin University
Claremont McKenna College (CMC)
Clarion University of Pennsylvania
Clark Atlanta University
Clarke University
Clarkson University
Clark University
Clayton State University
Clemson University
Cleveland State University
Coastal Carolina University (CCU)
Coe College
Cogswell College
Coker College
Colby College
Colgate University
College of Charleston
College of Mount Saint Vincent
College of Our Lady of the Elms
College of Saint Benedict
College of Saint Mary
College of Staten Island CUNY
College of the Atlantic
College of the Holy Cross
College of William and Mary
Colorado College
Colorado Mesa University
Colorado School of Mines
Colorado State University-Fort Collins
Colorado State University-Pueblo
Columbia College
Columbia College
Columbia College Chicago
Columbia International University
Columbia University in the City of New York
Columbus College of Art and Design (CCAD)
Columbus State University
Concordia College at Moorhead
Concordia University-Ann Arbor
Concordia University-Chicago
Concordia University-Irvine
Concordia University-Nebraska
Concordia University, St. Paul (CSP)
Concordia University-Wisconsin
Concord University
Connecticut College
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
Corban University
Cornell College
Cornell University
Cornerstone University
Cornish College of the Arts
Covenant College
Creighton University
Criswell College
Culinary Institute of America
Culver-Stockton College
CUNY Bernard M Baruch College
CUNY City College
CUNY Hunter College
CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice
CUNY Lehman College
CUNY Queens College
Curry College
Daemen College
Dakota State University
Dallas Baptist University
Dartmouth College
Davidson College (DC)
Davis & Elkins College
Dean College
Delaware State University
Delaware Valley University
Delta State University
Denison University
DePaul University
DePauw University
DeSales University
Dickinson College
Dickinson State University
Dixie State University
Doane University-Arts & Sciences
Dominican College of Blauvelt
Dominican University
Dominican University of California
Drake University
Drew University (DU)
Drexel University
Drury University
Duke University
Duquesne University
D'Youville College
Earlham College
East Carolina University
East Central University
Eastern Connecticut State University
Eastern Illinois University
Eastern Kentucky University
Eastern Mennonite University
Eastern Michigan University
Eastern Nazarene College
Eastern Oregon University
Eastern University
Eastern Washington University
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania
East Tennessee State University
East Texas A&M University
Eckerd College
Edgewood College
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Elizabeth City State University
Elizabethtown College
Elmhurst College
Elon University
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Emerson College
Emmanuel College
Emmanuel College
Emmaus Bible College
Emory & Henry College
Emory University
Emporia State University
Endicott College
Eureka College
Evangel University
Fairfield University
Fairmont State University
Farmingdale State College
Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT)
Faulkner University
Fayetteville State University
Ferris State University
Ferrum College
Fisher College
Fitchburg State University
Flagler College-St Augustine
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
Florida Atlantic University
Florida Gulf Coast University
Florida Institute of Technology
Florida International University (FIU)
Florida Southern College (FSC)
Florida State University (FSU)
Fontbonne University
Fordham University (FU)
Fort Hays State University
Fort Lewis College
Fort Valley State University
Framingham State University
Franciscan University of Steubenville
Francis Marion University
Franklin and Marshall College
Franklin Pierce University
Franklin University Switzerland (FUS)
Franklin W Olin College of Engineering
Freed-Hardeman University
Friends University
Frostburg State University
Gallaudet University
Gannon University
Gardner-Webb University
George Fox University
George Mason University
Georgetown College
Georgetown University
George Washington University (GWU)
Georgia College & State University
Georgia Gwinnett College
Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus
Georgia Southern University (GSU)
Georgia Southwestern State University
Georgia State University
Gettysburg College
Glenville State College
Gonzaga University
Gordon College
Goshen College
Goucher College
Governors State University
Grace College and Theological Seminary
Graceland University-Lamoni
Grambling State University
Grand Valley State University
Grand View University
Great Basin College
Greenville University
Grinnell College
Grove City College
Guilford College
Gustavus Adolphus College
Gwynedd Mercy University
Hamilton College
Hamline University
Hampden-Sydney College
Hampshire College
Hampton University
Hanover College
Harding University
Hardin-Simmons University
Harris-Stowe State University
Hartwick College
Harvard University
Harvey Mudd College
Haverford College
Hawaii Pacific University
Heidelberg University
Hellenic College-Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology
Henderson State University
Hendrix College
High Point University (HPU)
Hilbert College
Hiram College
Hobart William Smith Colleges
Hofstra University
Hollins University
Holy Family University
Hood College
Hope College
Houghton University
Houston Baptist University
Howard University
Humboldt State University
Huntingdon College
Huntington University
Huston-Tillotson University
Idaho State University
Illinois College
Illinois Institute of Technology
Illinois State University
Illinois Wesleyan University
Immaculata University
Indiana Institute of Technology
Indiana State University
Indiana University-Bloomington
Indiana University-East
Indiana University-Kokomo
Indiana University-Northwest
Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus
Indiana University-Purdue University-Fort Wayne
Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis (IUPUI)
Indiana University-South Bend
Indiana University-Southeast
Indiana Wesleyan University-Marion
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Aguadilla
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Fajardo
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Ponce
Iona College
Iowa State University (ISU)
Iowa Wesleyan University
Ithaca College
Jackson State University
Jacksonville State University
Jacksonville University
James Madison University (JMU)
Jefferson College of Health Sciences
Jefferson (Philadelphia University + Thomas Jefferson University)
John Brown University
John Carroll University
John Paul the Great Catholic University
Johns Hopkins University (JHU)
Johnson C Smith University
Johnson University
Johnson University Florida
Johnson & Wales University-Charlotte (JWU)
Johnson & Wales University-Providence (JWU)
Judson College
Judson University
Juniata College
Kansas City Art Institute
Kansas State University (KSU)
Kean University
Keene State College
Kent State University at Kent (KSU)
Kentucky Mountain Bible College
Kentucky State University
Kenyon College
Kettering University
Keuka College
King's College
King University
Knox College
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Kuyper College
Lafayette College
LaGrange College
Lake Forest College
Lake Superior State University
Lamar University
Landmark College
La Roche College
La Salle University
Lasell College
La Sierra University
Lawrence Technological University
Lawrence University
Lebanon Valley College
Lees-McRae College
Lee University
Lehigh University
Le Moyne College
Lenoir-Rhyne University
Lesley University
LeTourneau University
Lewis & Clark College
Lewis-Clark State College
Lewis University
Liberty University
Life University
LIM College
Limestone College
Lincoln Christian University
Lincoln Memorial University
Lincoln University
Lincoln University
Lindenwood University
Linfield College-McMinnville Campus
Lipscomb University
LIU Brooklyn
LIU Post
Livingstone College
Lock Haven University
Loma Linda University
Longwood University
Loras College
Louisiana College
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College
Louisiana State University-Shreveport
Louisiana Tech University
Loyola Marymount University (LMU)
Loyola University Chicago (LUC)
Loyola University Maryland
Loyola University New Orleans
Lubbock Christian University
Luther College
Lycoming College
Lynchburg College
Lynn University
Lyon College
Macalester College
Madonna University
Maharishi University of Management
Maine Maritime Academy
Malone University
Manhattan College
Manhattan School of Music
Manhattanville College
Mansfield University of Pennsylvania
Maranatha Baptist University
Marian University
Marietta College
Marist College
Marlboro College
Marquette University
Marshall University
Mars Hill University
Martin Luther College
Mary Baldwin University (MBU)
Maryland Institute College of Art
Marymount California University
Marymount Manhattan College
Marymount University (MU)
Maryville College
Maryville University of Saint Louis
Marywood University
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Mayville State University
McDaniel College
McKendree University
McMurry University
McNeese State University
McPherson College
Menlo College
Mercer University
Mercy College
Mercy College of Health Sciences
Mercyhurst University
Meredith College
Messiah College
Methodist University
Metropolitan College of New York
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Miami University-Oxford
Michigan State University (MSU)
Michigan Technological University
MidAmerica Nazarene University
Mid-Atlantic Christian University
Middlebury College
Middle Tennessee State University
Millersville University (MU)
Millikin University
Millsaps College
Mills College
Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Minneapolis College of Art and Design
Minnesota State University-Mankato
Minnesota State University Moorhead
Minot State University
Misericordia University
Mississippi College
Mississippi State University (MSU)
Missouri Baptist University
Missouri Southern State University
Missouri State University-Springfield
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Molloy College
Monmouth College
Monmouth University
Montana State University
Montana State University-Billings
Montana Tech of the University of Montana
Montclair State University (MSU)
Moravian University
Morehead State University
Morehouse College
Morgan State University (MSU)
Morris College
Mount Aloysius College
Mount Carmel College of Nursing
Mount Holyoke College
Mount Marty College
Mount Mary University
Mount Mercy University
Mount Saint Joseph University
Mount Saint Mary College
Mount Saint Mary's University
Mount St. Mary's University
Mount Vernon Nazarene University
Muhlenberg College
Multnomah University
Murray State University
Muskingum University
Naropa University
Nazareth College
Nebraska Methodist College of Nursing & Allied Health
Neumann University
Newberry College
New College of Florida
New England College
New Jersey City University
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newman University
New Mexico Highlands University
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
New Mexico State University-Main Campus
NewSchool of Architecture & Design
New York Institute of Technology (NYIT)
New York University (NYU)
Niagara University
Nicholls State University
Nichols College
North Carolina A & T State University (NCA&T)
North Carolina Central University
North Carolina State University at Raleigh (NCSU)
North Central College (NCC)
North Central University
North Dakota State University-Main Campus
Northeast Catholic College
Northeastern Illinois University
Northeastern State University
Northeastern University (NU)
Northern Arizona University (NAU)
Northern Illinois University
Northern Kentucky University
Northern Michigan University
Northern State University
North Greenville University
Northland College
Northwest Christian University
Northwestern College
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Northwestern State University of Louisiana
Northwestern University
Northwest Missouri State University
Northwest Nazarene University
Northwest University
Northwood University
Notre Dame de Namur University
Nova Southeastern University
Nyack College
Oakland City University
Oakland University
Oberlin College
Occidental College
Oglethorpe University
Ohio Dominican University
Ohio Northern University
Ohio State University-Lima Campus
Ohio State University-Main Campus
Ohio State University-Mansfield Campus
Ohio State University-Marion Campus
Ohio State University-Newark Campus
Ohio University-Main Campus (OU)
Ohio Valley University
Ohio Wesleyan University
Oklahoma Baptist University (OBU)
Oklahoma Christian University
Oklahoma City University
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus
Old Dominion University
Oral Roberts University
Oregon Health & Science University
Oregon Institute of Technology
Oregon State University (OSU)
Otterbein University (OU)
Ouachita Baptist University
Our Lady of the Lake University
Pace University-New York (PU)
Pacific Lutheran University (PLU)
Pacific Union College
Pacific University
Paier College of Art Inc
Palm Beach Atlantic University
Pennsylvania College of Technology
Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Abington
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Altoona
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Beaver
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Berks
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Brandywine
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State DuBois
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Erie-Behrend College
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Fayette- Eberly
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Greater Allegheny
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Harrisburg
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Hazleton
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Lehigh Valley
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State New Kensington
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Schuylkill
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Shenango
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Wilkes-Barre
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Worthington Scranton
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State York
Pepperdine University
Peru State College
Pfeiffer University
Philander Smith College
Piedmont College
Pine Manor College
Pittsburg State University
Pitzer College
Plymouth State University
Point Loma Nazarene University
Point Park University
Point University
Pomona College
Portland State University (PSU)
Prairie View A & M University
Pratt Institute-Main
Presbyterian College
Prescott College
Princeton University
Principia College
Providence College (PC)
Purdue University-Main Campus
Purdue University Northwest
Queens University of Charlotte
Quincy University
Quinnipiac University (QU)
Radford University
Ramapo College
Randolph College
Randolph-Macon College
Reed College
Regent University
Regis University
Reinhardt University
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rhode Island College
Rhode Island School of Design
Rhodes College
Rice University
Rider University
Ringling College of Art and Design
Rivier University
Roanoke College
Robert Morris University
Robert Morris University Illinois
Roberts Wesleyan College
Rochester College
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
Rockford University
Rockhurst University
Rocky Mountain College
Rogers State University
Roger Williams University
Rollins College
Roosevelt University
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Rosemont College
Rutgers University-Camden
Rutgers University-Newark
Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Sacred Heart University
Saginaw Valley State University
Saint Anselm College
Saint Augustine's University
Saint Cloud State University
Saint Edward's University
Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing
Saint Francis University
Saint John Fisher College
Saint Johns University
Saint Joseph's University
Saint Leo University
Saint Louis Christian College
Saint Louis University (SLU)
Saint Martin's University - INACTIVE
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College
Saint Mary's College
Saint Mary's College of California
Saint Michael's College (SMC)
Saint Norbert College
Saint Peter's University
Saint Vincent College
Salem State University
Salisbury University
Salve Regina University
Samford University (SU)
Sam Houston State University (SHSU)
San Diego Christian College
San Diego State University (SDSU)
San Francisco Art Institute
San Francisco Conservatory of Music
San Francisco State University
San Joaquin College of Law
San Jose State University
Santa Clara University (SCU)
Sarah Lawrence College (SLC)
Savannah College of Art and Design
Savannah State University
School of Architecture at Taliesin
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
School of Visual Arts
Schreiner University
Scripps College
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle University
Seton Hill University
Sewanee | The University of the South
Shawnee State University
Shaw University
Shenandoah University
Shepherd University
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Shorter University
Siena College
Sierra Nevada College
Silver Lake College of the Holy Family
Simmons College
Simpson College
Skidmore College
Slippery Rock University (SRU)
Smith College
Sonoma State University
South Carolina State University
Southeastern Louisiana University
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Southeastern University
Southeast Missouri State University
Southern Adventist University
Southern Connecticut State University
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville (SIUE)
Southern Methodist University (SMU)
Southern New Hampshire University
Southern Oregon University
Southern Utah University
Southwest Baptist University
Southwestern Adventist University
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Southwestern University
Spelman College
Spring Hill College
St. Ambrose University
St. Andrews University
Stanford University
State University of New York at New Paltz
St Bonaventure University
St. Catherine University
Stephen F. Austin State University
Sterling College
Stetson University
Stevens Institute of Technology
Stevenson University
St. John's College
St. John's College
St John's University-New York (SJU)
St. Joseph's College-New York
St Lawrence University
St. Louis College of Pharmacy
St. Mary's College of Maryland
St. Mary's University
Stockton University
St Olaf College
Stonehill College
Stony Brook University (SBU)
St. Thomas Aquinas College
St Thomas University
SUNY at Albany
SUNY at Binghamton
SUNY at Fredonia
SUNY at Purchase College
SUNY Buffalo State
SUNY College at Brockport
SUNY College at Geneseo
SUNY College at Old Westbury
SUNY College at Oswego
SUNY College at Plattsburgh
SUNY College at Potsdam
SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
SUNY College of Technology at Canton
SUNY Cortland
SUNY Empire State College
SUNY Oneonta
Susquehanna University
Swarthmore College
Sweet Briar College
Tabor College
Tarleton State University
Taylor University
Temple University (TU)
Tennessee State University (TSU)
Tennessee Technological University
Tennessee Wesleyan University
Texas A & M International University
Texas A & M University-College Station (TAMU)
Texas A & M University-Kingsville
Texas A&M University-Texarkana
Texas Christian University (TCU)
Texas Lutheran University
Texas State University (TXST)
Texas Tech University (TTU)
Texas Wesleyan University
Texas Woman's University
The Citadel - The Military College of South Carolina
The College of Idaho
The College of New Jersey (TCNJ)
The College of Saint Rose
The College of Saint Scholastica (CSS)
The College of Wooster
The Evergreen State College
The Juilliard School
The Master's University and Seminary
The New School
The Sage Colleges
The University of Alabama (UA)
The University of Findlay
The University of Montana
The University of Montana-Western
The University of Tampa (UT)
The University of Tennessee-Chattanooga
The University of Tennessee-Knoxville (UTK)
The University of Tennessee-Martin
The University of Texas at Austin (UT)
The University of Texas at Dallas
The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) | Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design
The University of Texas at Tyler
The University of Texas of the Permian Basin
The University of Virginia's College at Wise
The University of West Florida
Thiel College
Tiffin University
Toccoa Falls College
Tougaloo College
Touro College
Towson University (TU)
Transylvania University
Trevecca Nazarene University
Trine University
Trinity Christian College
Trinity College
Trinity College of Florida
Trinity University
Troy University
Tufts University
Tulane University of Louisiana
Tusculum College
UC Berkeley
UC Irvine
Union College
Union College
Union College
Union University
Universidad Politecnica de Puerto Rico
University at Buffalo (UB)
University of Akron Main Campus
University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)
University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH)
University of Alaska Anchorage
University of Alaska Fairbanks
University of Alaska Southeast
University of Arizona
University of Arkansas
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
University of Bridgeport
University of California-Davis (UCD)
University of California-Merced
University of California-Riverside (UCR)
University of California-San Diego (UC San Diego)
University of California-Santa Barbara
University of California-Santa Cruz (UCSC)
University of Central Arkansas
University of Central Florida (UCF)
University of Central Missouri
University of Central Oklahoma
University of Charleston
University of Cincinnati-Main Campus (UC)
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Colorado Colorado Springs
University of Colorado Denver/Anschutz Medical Campus (CU Anschutz)
University of Connecticut
University of Dallas
University of Dayton
University of Delaware (UD)
University of Denver (DU)
University of Detroit Mercy
University of Dubuque
University of Evansville
University of Florida (UF)
University of Georgia (UGA)
University of Hartford
University of Hawaii at Hilo
University of Hawaii at Manoa - Shidler College of Business (UH)
University of Hawaii-West Oahu
University of Houston-Clear Lake
University of Houston-Downtown
University of Houston (UH)
University of Houston - Victoria
University of Idaho
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois at Springfield
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
University of Indianapolis
University of Iowa (UI)
University of Jamestown
University of Kansas (UK)
University of Kentucky (UK)
University of La Verne
University of Louisiana at Monroe
University of Louisville
University of Maine
University of Maine at Farmington
University of Maine at Fort Kent
University of Maine at Machias
University of Maine at Presque Isle
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
University of Maryland-Baltimore County
University of Maryland-College Park (UMD)
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
University of Maryland-University College
University of Mary Washington
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
University of Massachusetts-Boston
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
University of Massachusetts-Lowell
University of Memphis
University of Miami (UM)
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
University of Michigan-Dearborn
University of Michigan-Flint
University of Minnesota-Crookston
University of Minnesota-Duluth
University of Minnesota-Morris
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
University of Mississippi (UM)
University of Missouri-Columbia (MU)
University of Missouri-Kansas City
University of Missouri-St Louis
University of Mobile
University of Montevallo
University of Mount Union
University of Nebraska at Kearney
University of Nebraska at Omaha
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
University of Nevada-Las Vegas (UNLV)
University of Nevada, Reno
University of New England
University of New Hampshire at Manchester
University of New Hampshire-Main Campus
University of New Haven
University of New Mexico-Main Campus
University of North Alabama
University of North Carolina at Asheville
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC)
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
University of North Carolina at Pembroke
University of North Carolina School of the Arts
University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW)
University of Northern Colorado
University of Northern Iowa
University of North Florida (UNF)
University of North Georgia
University of North Texas (UNT)
University of Northwestern-St Paul
University of Notre Dame
University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus
University of Oregon (UO)
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pikeville
University of Pittsburgh-Bradford
University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg
University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus
University of Portland (UP)
University of Providence
University of Puerto Rico-Arecibo
University of Puerto Rico-Bayamon
University of Puerto Rico-Ponce
University of Puget Sound
University of Redlands
University of Rhode Island (URI)
University of Richmond
University of Rochester
University of Saint Francis-Fort Wayne
University of Saint Joseph
University of Saint Mary
University of San Diego
University of San Francisco
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
University of Scranton
University of Sioux Falls
University of South Alabama
University of South Carolina Aiken
University of South Carolina-Beaufort
University of South Carolina-Columbia (USC)
University of South Carolina-Upstate
University of South Dakota
University of Southern California (USC)
University of Southern Indiana
University of Southern Maine (USM)
University of Southern Mississippi
University of South Florida-Main Campus (USF)
University of South Florida-Sarasota-Manatee
University of St Francis
University of St Thomas
University of St Thomas
University of the Incarnate Word
University of the Pacific (UOP)
University of the Potomac-Washington DC Campus
University of the Sciences
University of the Virgin Islands
University of Toledo
University of Tulsa
University of Utah
University of Valley Forge
University of Vermont (UVM)
University of Virginia-Main Campus
University of Washington-Bothell Campus
University of Washington-Seattle Campus (UW)
University of Washington-Tacoma Campus
University of West Alabama
University of West Georgia (UWG)
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM)
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
University of Wisconsin-Platteville
University of Wisconsin-River Falls
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
University of Wisconsin-Stout
University of Wisconsin-Superior
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
University of Wyoming (UW)
Ursinus College
Ursuline College
Utah State University
Utah Valley University
Utica College
Valdosta State University (VSU)
Valley City State University
Valparaiso University
Vanderbilt University
VanderCook College of Music
Vanguard University of Southern California
Vassar College
Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology
Vermont Technical College
Villanova University
Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)
Virginia Military Institute
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Virginia Union University
Virginia University of Lynchburg
Virginia Wesleyan University
Wabash College
Wagner College
Wake Forest University
Waldorf University
Walla Walla University
Walsh University
Warner Pacific College
Wartburg College
Washington and Lee University
Washington College
Washington & Jefferson College
Washington State University (WSU)
Washington University in St Louis (WashU)
Watkins College of Art Design & Film
Wayland Baptist University
Waynesburg University
Wayne State College
Wayne State University
Webber International University
Weber State University
Webster University
Welch College
Wellesley College
Wells College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Wesleyan College
Wesleyan University
Wesley College
West Chester University of Pennsylvania (WCU)
Western Carolina University
Western Connecticut State University
Western Illinois University
Western Kentucky University
Western Michigan University (WMU)
Western New England University
Western New Mexico University
Western Oregon University (WOU)
Western State Colorado University
Western Washington University
Westfield State University
West Liberty University
Westminster College
Westminster College
Westminster College PA
Westmont College
West Texas A & M University
West Virginia State University
West Virginia University Institute of Technology
West Virginia University (WVU)
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Wheaton College
Wheaton College
Wheeling Jesuit University (WJU)
Whitman College
Whittier College
Whitworth University
Wichita State University
Widener University
Wilkes University
Willamette University
William Jewell College
William Paterson University of New Jersey
William Peace University
William Penn University
Williams College
William Woods University
Wilmington University
Wilson College
Wingate University
Winona State University
Winston-Salem State University
Winthrop University
Wisconsin Lutheran College
Wittenberg University
Wofford College
Woodbury University
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
Worcester State University
Wright State University-Main Campus
Xavier University
Xavier University of Louisiana
Yale University
Yeshiva University
York College
York College of Pennsylvania
Young Harris College
Youngstown State University
Step 2: Maintain a GPA at or above the Average Transfer GPA of your Target Institution
Your current college GPA is going to largely dictate the colleges you can consider transferring to. You should be focused on elevating this as much as possible.
HACK: Consider taking a few easier classes or professors to give your GPA a boost - future colleges won’t know the difficulty of each class or professor, they’ll just be looking at the overall picture.
Also, make sure your current GPA aligns with the average transfer GPA at a college.
You may be thinking, “What is the average transfer GPA for my college?” Lucky for you, CampusReel breaks down transfer requirements, GPAs and more by school.
Need chances at a college?
Select College Abilene Christian University
Adams State University
Adelphi University
Agnes Scott College
Alabama State University
Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Albany State University
Albertus Magnus College
Albion College
Albright College
Alfred University
Alice Lloyd College
Allegheny College
Allen College
Alma College
Alvernia University
Alverno College
American Baptist College
American International College
American University (AU)
Amherst College
Anderson University
Anderson University
Andrews University
Angelo State University
Appalachian Bible College
Appalachian State University
Aquinas College (MI)
Arcadia University
Arizona State University-Tempe (ASU)
Arkansas State University-Main Campus
Arkansas Tech University
Arlington Baptist University
Asbury University
Ashland University
Assumption College
Athens State University
Auburn University at Montgomery
Auburn University (AU)
Augsburg University
Augustana College
Augustana University
Aurora University
Austin College
Austin Peay State University (APSU)
Averett University
Avila University
Azusa Pacific University (APU)
Baker University (BU)
Baldwin Wallace University
Ball State University (BSU)
Barclay College
Bard College
Barnard College
Barnes-Jewish College Goldfarb School of Nursing
Barry University
Barton College
Bates College
Baylor University
Bay Path University
Beacon College
Becker College
Bellarmine University
Belmont University
Beloit College
Benedictine College
Benedictine University
Bennett College
Bennington College
Bentley University
Berea College
Berklee College of Music
Berry College (BC)
Bethany College
Bethany College
Bethany Lutheran College
Bethel College-Indiana
Bethel University
Bethel University (BU)
Bethune-Cookman University
Biola University
Birmingham Southern College
Blackburn College
Blessing Rieman College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Bluefield College
Bluefield State College
Blue Mountain College
Bluffton University
Bob Jones University
Boise State University (BSU)
Boston College (BC)
Boston University (BU)
Bowdoin College
Bowling Green State University-Main Campus (BGSU)
Bradley University
Brandeis University
Brenau University
Brevard College
Bridgewater College
Brigham Young University-Provo (BYU)
Brown University
Bryant University
Bryan University
Bryn Athyn College of the New Church
Bryn Mawr College
Bucknell University
Buena Vista University
Butler University
Cairn University-Langhorne
Caldwell University
California Baptist University (CBU)
California College of the Arts
California Institute of Technology
California Institute of the Arts
California Lutheran University (CLU)
California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo
California State Polytechnic University-Pomona
California State University-Bakersfield
California State University-Chico
California State University-East Bay
California State University-Fresno
California State University-Fullerton (CSUF)
California State University-Long Beach (CSULB)
California State University-Los Angeles
California State University Maritime Academy
California State University-Monterey Bay
California State University-Northridge
California State University-Sacramento
California State University-San Bernardino
California State University San Marcos, Extended Learning
California State University-Stanislaus
California University of Pennsylvania
Calvary University
Calvin College
Cambridge College
Cameron University
Campbellsville University
Canisius College
Capital University
Cardinal Stritch University
Caribbean University-Bayamon
Carleton College
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
Carroll College
Carson-Newman University
Case Western Reserve University (CWRU)
Catawba College
Catholic University of America
Cazenovia College
Cedar Crest College
Cedarville University
Centenary College of Louisiana
Central College
Central Connecticut State University
Central Michigan University (CMU)
Central State University
Central Washington University
Centre College
Chaminade University of Honolulu
Champlain College
Chapman University (CU)
Charles R Drew University of Medicine and Science
Chatham University
Chestnut Hill College
Chowan University
Christian Brothers University
Christopher Newport University
Claflin University
Claremont McKenna College (CMC)
Clarion University of Pennsylvania
Clark Atlanta University
Clarke University
Clarkson University
Clark University
Clayton State University
Clemson University
Cleveland State University
Coastal Carolina University (CCU)
Coe College
Cogswell College
Coker College
Colby College
Colgate University
College of Charleston
College of Mount Saint Vincent
College of Our Lady of the Elms
College of Saint Benedict
College of Saint Mary
College of Staten Island CUNY
College of the Atlantic
College of the Holy Cross
College of William and Mary
Colorado College
Colorado Mesa University
Colorado School of Mines
Colorado State University-Fort Collins
Colorado State University-Pueblo
Columbia College
Columbia College
Columbia College Chicago
Columbia International University
Columbia University in the City of New York
Columbus College of Art and Design (CCAD)
Columbus State University
Concordia College at Moorhead
Concordia University-Ann Arbor
Concordia University-Chicago
Concordia University-Irvine
Concordia University-Nebraska
Concordia University, St. Paul (CSP)
Concordia University-Wisconsin
Concord University
Connecticut College
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
Corban University
Cornell College
Cornell University
Cornerstone University
Cornish College of the Arts
Covenant College
Creighton University
Criswell College
Culinary Institute of America
Culver-Stockton College
CUNY Bernard M Baruch College
CUNY City College
CUNY Hunter College
CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice
CUNY Lehman College
CUNY Queens College
Curry College
Daemen College
Dakota State University
Dallas Baptist University
Dartmouth College
Davidson College (DC)
Davis & Elkins College
Dean College
Delaware State University
Delaware Valley University
Delta State University
Denison University
DePaul University
DePauw University
DeSales University
Dickinson College
Dickinson State University
Dixie State University
Doane University-Arts & Sciences
Dominican College of Blauvelt
Dominican University
Dominican University of California
Drake University
Drew University (DU)
Drexel University
Drury University
Duke University
Duquesne University
D'Youville College
Earlham College
East Carolina University
East Central University
Eastern Connecticut State University
Eastern Illinois University
Eastern Kentucky University
Eastern Mennonite University
Eastern Michigan University
Eastern Nazarene College
Eastern Oregon University
Eastern University
Eastern Washington University
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania
East Tennessee State University
East Texas A&M University
Eckerd College
Edgewood College
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Elizabeth City State University
Elizabethtown College
Elmhurst College
Elon University
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Emerson College
Emmanuel College
Emmanuel College
Emmaus Bible College
Emory & Henry College
Emory University
Emporia State University
Endicott College
Eureka College
Evangel University
Fairfield University
Fairmont State University
Farmingdale State College
Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT)
Faulkner University
Fayetteville State University
Ferris State University
Ferrum College
Fisher College
Fitchburg State University
Flagler College-St Augustine
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
Florida Atlantic University
Florida Gulf Coast University
Florida Institute of Technology
Florida International University (FIU)
Florida Southern College (FSC)
Florida State University (FSU)
Fontbonne University
Fordham University (FU)
Fort Hays State University
Fort Lewis College
Fort Valley State University
Framingham State University
Franciscan University of Steubenville
Francis Marion University
Franklin and Marshall College
Franklin Pierce University
Franklin University Switzerland (FUS)
Franklin W Olin College of Engineering
Freed-Hardeman University
Friends University
Frostburg State University
Gallaudet University
Gannon University
Gardner-Webb University
George Fox University
George Mason University
Georgetown College
Georgetown University
George Washington University (GWU)
Georgia College & State University
Georgia Gwinnett College
Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus
Georgia Southern University (GSU)
Georgia Southwestern State University
Georgia State University
Gettysburg College
Glenville State College
Gonzaga University
Gordon College
Goshen College
Goucher College
Governors State University
Grace College and Theological Seminary
Graceland University-Lamoni
Grambling State University
Grand Valley State University
Grand View University
Great Basin College
Greenville University
Grinnell College
Grove City College
Guilford College
Gustavus Adolphus College
Gwynedd Mercy University
Hamilton College
Hamline University
Hampden-Sydney College
Hampshire College
Hampton University
Hanover College
Harding University
Hardin-Simmons University
Harris-Stowe State University
Hartwick College
Harvard University
Harvey Mudd College
Haverford College
Hawaii Pacific University
Heidelberg University
Hellenic College-Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology
Henderson State University
Hendrix College
High Point University (HPU)
Hilbert College
Hiram College
Hobart William Smith Colleges
Hofstra University
Hollins University
Holy Family University
Hood College
Hope College
Houghton University
Houston Baptist University
Howard University
Humboldt State University
Huntingdon College
Huntington University
Huston-Tillotson University
Idaho State University
Illinois College
Illinois Institute of Technology
Illinois State University
Illinois Wesleyan University
Immaculata University
Indiana Institute of Technology
Indiana State University
Indiana University-Bloomington
Indiana University-East
Indiana University-Kokomo
Indiana University-Northwest
Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus
Indiana University-Purdue University-Fort Wayne
Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis (IUPUI)
Indiana University-South Bend
Indiana University-Southeast
Indiana Wesleyan University-Marion
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Aguadilla
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Fajardo
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Ponce
Iona College
Iowa State University (ISU)
Iowa Wesleyan University
Ithaca College
Jackson State University
Jacksonville State University
Jacksonville University
James Madison University (JMU)
Jefferson College of Health Sciences
Jefferson (Philadelphia University + Thomas Jefferson University)
John Brown University
John Carroll University
John Paul the Great Catholic University
Johns Hopkins University (JHU)
Johnson C Smith University
Johnson University
Johnson University Florida
Johnson & Wales University-Charlotte (JWU)
Johnson & Wales University-Providence (JWU)
Judson College
Judson University
Juniata College
Kansas City Art Institute
Kansas State University (KSU)
Kean University
Keene State College
Kent State University at Kent (KSU)
Kentucky Mountain Bible College
Kentucky State University
Kenyon College
Kettering University
Keuka College
King's College
King University
Knox College
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Kuyper College
Lafayette College
LaGrange College
Lake Forest College
Lake Superior State University
Lamar University
Landmark College
La Roche College
La Salle University
Lasell College
La Sierra University
Lawrence Technological University
Lawrence University
Lebanon Valley College
Lees-McRae College
Lee University
Lehigh University
Le Moyne College
Lenoir-Rhyne University
Lesley University
LeTourneau University
Lewis & Clark College
Lewis-Clark State College
Lewis University
Liberty University
Life University
LIM College
Limestone College
Lincoln Christian University
Lincoln Memorial University
Lincoln University
Lincoln University
Lindenwood University
Linfield College-McMinnville Campus
Lipscomb University
LIU Brooklyn
LIU Post
Livingstone College
Lock Haven University
Loma Linda University
Longwood University
Loras College
Louisiana College
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College
Louisiana State University-Shreveport
Louisiana Tech University
Loyola Marymount University (LMU)
Loyola University Chicago (LUC)
Loyola University Maryland
Loyola University New Orleans
Lubbock Christian University
Luther College
Lycoming College
Lynchburg College
Lynn University
Lyon College
Macalester College
Madonna University
Maharishi University of Management
Maine Maritime Academy
Malone University
Manhattan College
Manhattan School of Music
Manhattanville College
Mansfield University of Pennsylvania
Maranatha Baptist University
Marian University
Marietta College
Marist College
Marlboro College
Marquette University
Marshall University
Mars Hill University
Martin Luther College
Mary Baldwin University (MBU)
Maryland Institute College of Art
Marymount California University
Marymount Manhattan College
Marymount University (MU)
Maryville College
Maryville University of Saint Louis
Marywood University
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Mayville State University
McDaniel College
McKendree University
McMurry University
McNeese State University
McPherson College
Menlo College
Mercer University
Mercy College
Mercy College of Health Sciences
Mercyhurst University
Meredith College
Messiah College
Methodist University
Metropolitan College of New York
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Miami University-Oxford
Michigan State University (MSU)
Michigan Technological University
MidAmerica Nazarene University
Mid-Atlantic Christian University
Middlebury College
Middle Tennessee State University
Millersville University (MU)
Millikin University
Millsaps College
Mills College
Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Minneapolis College of Art and Design
Minnesota State University-Mankato
Minnesota State University Moorhead
Minot State University
Misericordia University
Mississippi College
Mississippi State University (MSU)
Missouri Baptist University
Missouri Southern State University
Missouri State University-Springfield
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Molloy College
Monmouth College
Monmouth University
Montana State University
Montana State University-Billings
Montana Tech of the University of Montana
Montclair State University (MSU)
Moravian University
Morehead State University
Morehouse College
Morgan State University (MSU)
Morris College
Mount Aloysius College
Mount Carmel College of Nursing
Mount Holyoke College
Mount Marty College
Mount Mary University
Mount Mercy University
Mount Saint Joseph University
Mount Saint Mary College
Mount Saint Mary's University
Mount St. Mary's University
Mount Vernon Nazarene University
Muhlenberg College
Multnomah University
Murray State University
Muskingum University
Naropa University
Nazareth College
Nebraska Methodist College of Nursing & Allied Health
Neumann University
Newberry College
New College of Florida
New England College
New Jersey City University
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newman University
New Mexico Highlands University
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
New Mexico State University-Main Campus
NewSchool of Architecture & Design
New York Institute of Technology (NYIT)
New York University (NYU)
Niagara University
Nicholls State University
Nichols College
North Carolina A & T State University (NCA&T)
North Carolina Central University
North Carolina State University at Raleigh (NCSU)
North Central College (NCC)
North Central University
North Dakota State University-Main Campus
Northeast Catholic College
Northeastern Illinois University
Northeastern State University
Northeastern University (NU)
Northern Arizona University (NAU)
Northern Illinois University
Northern Kentucky University
Northern Michigan University
Northern State University
North Greenville University
Northland College
Northwest Christian University
Northwestern College
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Northwestern State University of Louisiana
Northwestern University
Northwest Missouri State University
Northwest Nazarene University
Northwest University
Northwood University
Notre Dame de Namur University
Nova Southeastern University
Nyack College
Oakland City University
Oakland University
Oberlin College
Occidental College
Oglethorpe University
Ohio Dominican University
Ohio Northern University
Ohio State University-Lima Campus
Ohio State University-Main Campus
Ohio State University-Mansfield Campus
Ohio State University-Marion Campus
Ohio State University-Newark Campus
Ohio University-Main Campus (OU)
Ohio Valley University
Ohio Wesleyan University
Oklahoma Baptist University (OBU)
Oklahoma Christian University
Oklahoma City University
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus
Old Dominion University
Oral Roberts University
Oregon Health & Science University
Oregon Institute of Technology
Oregon State University (OSU)
Otterbein University (OU)
Ouachita Baptist University
Our Lady of the Lake University
Pace University-New York (PU)
Pacific Lutheran University (PLU)
Pacific Union College
Pacific University
Paier College of Art Inc
Palm Beach Atlantic University
Pennsylvania College of Technology
Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Abington
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Altoona
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Beaver
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Berks
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Brandywine
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State DuBois
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Erie-Behrend College
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Fayette- Eberly
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Greater Allegheny
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Harrisburg
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Hazleton
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Lehigh Valley
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State New Kensington
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Schuylkill
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Shenango
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Wilkes-Barre
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Worthington Scranton
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State York
Pepperdine University
Peru State College
Pfeiffer University
Philander Smith College
Piedmont College
Pine Manor College
Pittsburg State University
Pitzer College
Plymouth State University
Point Loma Nazarene University
Point Park University
Point University
Pomona College
Portland State University (PSU)
Prairie View A & M University
Pratt Institute-Main
Presbyterian College
Prescott College
Princeton University
Principia College
Providence College (PC)
Purdue University-Main Campus
Purdue University Northwest
Queens University of Charlotte
Quincy University
Quinnipiac University (QU)
Radford University
Ramapo College
Randolph College
Randolph-Macon College
Reed College
Regent University
Regis University
Reinhardt University
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rhode Island College
Rhode Island School of Design
Rhodes College
Rice University
Rider University
Ringling College of Art and Design
Rivier University
Roanoke College
Robert Morris University
Robert Morris University Illinois
Roberts Wesleyan College
Rochester College
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
Rockford University
Rockhurst University
Rocky Mountain College
Rogers State University
Roger Williams University
Rollins College
Roosevelt University
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Rosemont College
Rutgers University-Camden
Rutgers University-Newark
Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Sacred Heart University
Saginaw Valley State University
Saint Anselm College
Saint Augustine's University
Saint Cloud State University
Saint Edward's University
Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing
Saint Francis University
Saint John Fisher College
Saint Johns University
Saint Joseph's University
Saint Leo University
Saint Louis Christian College
Saint Louis University (SLU)
Saint Martin's University - INACTIVE
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College
Saint Mary's College
Saint Mary's College of California
Saint Michael's College (SMC)
Saint Norbert College
Saint Peter's University
Saint Vincent College
Salem State University
Salisbury University
Salve Regina University
Samford University (SU)
Sam Houston State University (SHSU)
San Diego Christian College
San Diego State University (SDSU)
San Francisco Art Institute
San Francisco Conservatory of Music
San Francisco State University
San Joaquin College of Law
San Jose State University
Santa Clara University (SCU)
Sarah Lawrence College (SLC)
Savannah College of Art and Design
Savannah State University
School of Architecture at Taliesin
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
School of Visual Arts
Schreiner University
Scripps College
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle University
Seton Hill University
Sewanee | The University of the South
Shawnee State University
Shaw University
Shenandoah University
Shepherd University
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Shorter University
Siena College
Sierra Nevada College
Silver Lake College of the Holy Family
Simmons College
Simpson College
Skidmore College
Slippery Rock University (SRU)
Smith College
Sonoma State University
South Carolina State University
Southeastern Louisiana University
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Southeastern University
Southeast Missouri State University
Southern Adventist University
Southern Connecticut State University
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville (SIUE)
Southern Methodist University (SMU)
Southern New Hampshire University
Southern Oregon University
Southern Utah University
Southwest Baptist University
Southwestern Adventist University
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Southwestern University
Spelman College
Spring Hill College
St. Ambrose University
St. Andrews University
Stanford University
State University of New York at New Paltz
St Bonaventure University
St. Catherine University
Stephen F. Austin State University
Sterling College
Stetson University
Stevens Institute of Technology
Stevenson University
St. John's College
St. John's College
St John's University-New York (SJU)
St. Joseph's College-New York
St Lawrence University
St. Louis College of Pharmacy
St. Mary's College of Maryland
St. Mary's University
Stockton University
St Olaf College
Stonehill College
Stony Brook University (SBU)
St. Thomas Aquinas College
St Thomas University
SUNY at Albany
SUNY at Binghamton
SUNY at Fredonia
SUNY at Purchase College
SUNY Buffalo State
SUNY College at Brockport
SUNY College at Geneseo
SUNY College at Old Westbury
SUNY College at Oswego
SUNY College at Plattsburgh
SUNY College at Potsdam
SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
SUNY College of Technology at Canton
SUNY Cortland
SUNY Empire State College
SUNY Oneonta
Susquehanna University
Swarthmore College
Sweet Briar College
Tabor College
Tarleton State University
Taylor University
Temple University (TU)
Tennessee State University (TSU)
Tennessee Technological University
Tennessee Wesleyan University
Texas A & M International University
Texas A & M University-College Station (TAMU)
Texas A & M University-Kingsville
Texas A&M University-Texarkana
Texas Christian University (TCU)
Texas Lutheran University
Texas State University (TXST)
Texas Tech University (TTU)
Texas Wesleyan University
Texas Woman's University
The Citadel - The Military College of South Carolina
The College of Idaho
The College of New Jersey (TCNJ)
The College of Saint Rose
The College of Saint Scholastica (CSS)
The College of Wooster
The Evergreen State College
The Juilliard School
The Master's University and Seminary
The New School
The Sage Colleges
The University of Alabama (UA)
The University of Findlay
The University of Montana
The University of Montana-Western
The University of Tampa (UT)
The University of Tennessee-Chattanooga
The University of Tennessee-Knoxville (UTK)
The University of Tennessee-Martin
The University of Texas at Austin (UT)
The University of Texas at Dallas
The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) | Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design
The University of Texas at Tyler
The University of Texas of the Permian Basin
The University of Virginia's College at Wise
The University of West Florida
Thiel College
Tiffin University
Toccoa Falls College
Tougaloo College
Touro College
Towson University (TU)
Transylvania University
Trevecca Nazarene University
Trine University
Trinity Christian College
Trinity College
Trinity College of Florida
Trinity University
Troy University
Tufts University
Tulane University of Louisiana
Tusculum College
UC Berkeley
UC Irvine
Union College
Union College
Union College
Union University
Universidad Politecnica de Puerto Rico
University at Buffalo (UB)
University of Akron Main Campus
University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)
University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH)
University of Alaska Anchorage
University of Alaska Fairbanks
University of Alaska Southeast
University of Arizona
University of Arkansas
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
University of Bridgeport
University of California-Davis (UCD)
University of California-Merced
University of California-Riverside (UCR)
University of California-San Diego (UC San Diego)
University of California-Santa Barbara
University of California-Santa Cruz (UCSC)
University of Central Arkansas
University of Central Florida (UCF)
University of Central Missouri
University of Central Oklahoma
University of Charleston
University of Cincinnati-Main Campus (UC)
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Colorado Colorado Springs
University of Colorado Denver/Anschutz Medical Campus (CU Anschutz)
University of Connecticut
University of Dallas
University of Dayton
University of Delaware (UD)
University of Denver (DU)
University of Detroit Mercy
University of Dubuque
University of Evansville
University of Florida (UF)
University of Georgia (UGA)
University of Hartford
University of Hawaii at Hilo
University of Hawaii at Manoa - Shidler College of Business (UH)
University of Hawaii-West Oahu
University of Houston-Clear Lake
University of Houston-Downtown
University of Houston (UH)
University of Houston - Victoria
University of Idaho
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois at Springfield
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
University of Indianapolis
University of Iowa (UI)
University of Jamestown
University of Kansas (UK)
University of Kentucky (UK)
University of La Verne
University of Louisiana at Monroe
University of Louisville
University of Maine
University of Maine at Farmington
University of Maine at Fort Kent
University of Maine at Machias
University of Maine at Presque Isle
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
University of Maryland-Baltimore County
University of Maryland-College Park (UMD)
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
University of Maryland-University College
University of Mary Washington
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
University of Massachusetts-Boston
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
University of Massachusetts-Lowell
University of Memphis
University of Miami (UM)
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
University of Michigan-Dearborn
University of Michigan-Flint
University of Minnesota-Crookston
University of Minnesota-Duluth
University of Minnesota-Morris
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
University of Mississippi (UM)
University of Missouri-Columbia (MU)
University of Missouri-Kansas City
University of Missouri-St Louis
University of Mobile
University of Montevallo
University of Mount Union
University of Nebraska at Kearney
University of Nebraska at Omaha
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
University of Nevada-Las Vegas (UNLV)
University of Nevada, Reno
University of New England
University of New Hampshire at Manchester
University of New Hampshire-Main Campus
University of New Haven
University of New Mexico-Main Campus
University of North Alabama
University of North Carolina at Asheville
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC)
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
University of North Carolina at Pembroke
University of North Carolina School of the Arts
University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW)
University of Northern Colorado
University of Northern Iowa
University of North Florida (UNF)
University of North Georgia
University of North Texas (UNT)
University of Northwestern-St Paul
University of Notre Dame
University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus
University of Oregon (UO)
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pikeville
University of Pittsburgh-Bradford
University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg
University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus
University of Portland (UP)
University of Providence
University of Puerto Rico-Arecibo
University of Puerto Rico-Bayamon
University of Puerto Rico-Ponce
University of Puget Sound
University of Redlands
University of Rhode Island (URI)
University of Richmond
University of Rochester
University of Saint Francis-Fort Wayne
University of Saint Joseph
University of Saint Mary
University of San Diego
University of San Francisco
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
University of Scranton
University of Sioux Falls
University of South Alabama
University of South Carolina Aiken
University of South Carolina-Beaufort
University of South Carolina-Columbia (USC)
University of South Carolina-Upstate
University of South Dakota
University of Southern California (USC)
University of Southern Indiana
University of Southern Maine (USM)
University of Southern Mississippi
University of South Florida-Main Campus (USF)
University of South Florida-Sarasota-Manatee
University of St Francis
University of St Thomas
University of St Thomas
University of the Incarnate Word
University of the Pacific (UOP)
University of the Potomac-Washington DC Campus
University of the Sciences
University of the Virgin Islands
University of Toledo
University of Tulsa
University of Utah
University of Valley Forge
University of Vermont (UVM)
University of Virginia-Main Campus
University of Washington-Bothell Campus
University of Washington-Seattle Campus (UW)
University of Washington-Tacoma Campus
University of West Alabama
University of West Georgia (UWG)
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM)
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
University of Wisconsin-Platteville
University of Wisconsin-River Falls
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
University of Wisconsin-Stout
University of Wisconsin-Superior
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
University of Wyoming (UW)
Ursinus College
Ursuline College
Utah State University
Utah Valley University
Utica College
Valdosta State University (VSU)
Valley City State University
Valparaiso University
Vanderbilt University
VanderCook College of Music
Vanguard University of Southern California
Vassar College
Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology
Vermont Technical College
Villanova University
Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)
Virginia Military Institute
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Virginia Union University
Virginia University of Lynchburg
Virginia Wesleyan University
Wabash College
Wagner College
Wake Forest University
Waldorf University
Walla Walla University
Walsh University
Warner Pacific College
Wartburg College
Washington and Lee University
Washington College
Washington & Jefferson College
Washington State University (WSU)
Washington University in St Louis (WashU)
Watkins College of Art Design & Film
Wayland Baptist University
Waynesburg University
Wayne State College
Wayne State University
Webber International University
Weber State University
Webster University
Welch College
Wellesley College
Wells College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Wesleyan College
Wesleyan University
Wesley College
West Chester University of Pennsylvania (WCU)
Western Carolina University
Western Connecticut State University
Western Illinois University
Western Kentucky University
Western Michigan University (WMU)
Western New England University
Western New Mexico University
Western Oregon University (WOU)
Western State Colorado University
Western Washington University
Westfield State University
West Liberty University
Westminster College
Westminster College
Westminster College PA
Westmont College
West Texas A & M University
West Virginia State University
West Virginia University Institute of Technology
West Virginia University (WVU)
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Wheaton College
Wheaton College
Wheeling Jesuit University (WJU)
Whitman College
Whittier College
Whitworth University
Wichita State University
Widener University
Wilkes University
Willamette University
William Jewell College
William Paterson University of New Jersey
William Peace University
William Penn University
Williams College
William Woods University
Wilmington University
Wilson College
Wingate University
Winona State University
Winston-Salem State University
Winthrop University
Wisconsin Lutheran College
Wittenberg University
Wofford College
Woodbury University
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
Worcester State University
Wright State University-Main Campus
Xavier University
Xavier University of Louisiana
Yale University
Yeshiva University
York College
York College of Pennsylvania
Young Harris College
Youngstown State University
Step 3: Align Your Course Selection with the Transfer Application
If you apply to be an agriculture major but don’t take agriculture classes, it’s going to be pretty hard to convince them you’re a genuine applicant…
It you don’t know what you want to study, don’t worry - millions of students enroll as undeclared majors.
However, if you know what you want to study and you align your course selections and application appropriately, you will have a much better shot at acceptance.
Universities often accept transfer applicants to fulfill very targeted spots. For example, maybe they need more economics or engineering majors while they are swamped with Spanish majors.
If you actively want to study a subject that fulfills a need in the school’s study body, and your application and essay speak to that desire, they will interpret your application as cohesive and purposeful.
Need chances at a college?
Select College Abilene Christian University
Adams State University
Adelphi University
Agnes Scott College
Alabama State University
Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Albany State University
Albertus Magnus College
Albion College
Albright College
Alfred University
Alice Lloyd College
Allegheny College
Allen College
Alma College
Alvernia University
Alverno College
American Baptist College
American International College
American University (AU)
Amherst College
Anderson University
Anderson University
Andrews University
Angelo State University
Appalachian Bible College
Appalachian State University
Aquinas College (MI)
Arcadia University
Arizona State University-Tempe (ASU)
Arkansas State University-Main Campus
Arkansas Tech University
Arlington Baptist University
Asbury University
Ashland University
Assumption College
Athens State University
Auburn University at Montgomery
Auburn University (AU)
Augsburg University
Augustana College
Augustana University
Aurora University
Austin College
Austin Peay State University (APSU)
Averett University
Avila University
Azusa Pacific University (APU)
Baker University (BU)
Baldwin Wallace University
Ball State University (BSU)
Barclay College
Bard College
Barnard College
Barnes-Jewish College Goldfarb School of Nursing
Barry University
Barton College
Bates College
Baylor University
Bay Path University
Beacon College
Becker College
Bellarmine University
Belmont University
Beloit College
Benedictine College
Benedictine University
Bennett College
Bennington College
Bentley University
Berea College
Berklee College of Music
Berry College (BC)
Bethany College
Bethany College
Bethany Lutheran College
Bethel College-Indiana
Bethel University
Bethel University (BU)
Bethune-Cookman University
Biola University
Birmingham Southern College
Blackburn College
Blessing Rieman College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Bluefield College
Bluefield State College
Blue Mountain College
Bluffton University
Bob Jones University
Boise State University (BSU)
Boston College (BC)
Boston University (BU)
Bowdoin College
Bowling Green State University-Main Campus (BGSU)
Bradley University
Brandeis University
Brenau University
Brevard College
Bridgewater College
Brigham Young University-Provo (BYU)
Brown University
Bryant University
Bryan University
Bryn Athyn College of the New Church
Bryn Mawr College
Bucknell University
Buena Vista University
Butler University
Cairn University-Langhorne
Caldwell University
California Baptist University (CBU)
California College of the Arts
California Institute of Technology
California Institute of the Arts
California Lutheran University (CLU)
California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo
California State Polytechnic University-Pomona
California State University-Bakersfield
California State University-Chico
California State University-East Bay
California State University-Fresno
California State University-Fullerton (CSUF)
California State University-Long Beach (CSULB)
California State University-Los Angeles
California State University Maritime Academy
California State University-Monterey Bay
California State University-Northridge
California State University-Sacramento
California State University-San Bernardino
California State University San Marcos, Extended Learning
California State University-Stanislaus
California University of Pennsylvania
Calvary University
Calvin College
Cambridge College
Cameron University
Campbellsville University
Canisius College
Capital University
Cardinal Stritch University
Caribbean University-Bayamon
Carleton College
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
Carroll College
Carson-Newman University
Case Western Reserve University (CWRU)
Catawba College
Catholic University of America
Cazenovia College
Cedar Crest College
Cedarville University
Centenary College of Louisiana
Central College
Central Connecticut State University
Central Michigan University (CMU)
Central State University
Central Washington University
Centre College
Chaminade University of Honolulu
Champlain College
Chapman University (CU)
Charles R Drew University of Medicine and Science
Chatham University
Chestnut Hill College
Chowan University
Christian Brothers University
Christopher Newport University
Claflin University
Claremont McKenna College (CMC)
Clarion University of Pennsylvania
Clark Atlanta University
Clarke University
Clarkson University
Clark University
Clayton State University
Clemson University
Cleveland State University
Coastal Carolina University (CCU)
Coe College
Cogswell College
Coker College
Colby College
Colgate University
College of Charleston
College of Mount Saint Vincent
College of Our Lady of the Elms
College of Saint Benedict
College of Saint Mary
College of Staten Island CUNY
College of the Atlantic
College of the Holy Cross
College of William and Mary
Colorado College
Colorado Mesa University
Colorado School of Mines
Colorado State University-Fort Collins
Colorado State University-Pueblo
Columbia College
Columbia College
Columbia College Chicago
Columbia International University
Columbia University in the City of New York
Columbus College of Art and Design (CCAD)
Columbus State University
Concordia College at Moorhead
Concordia University-Ann Arbor
Concordia University-Chicago
Concordia University-Irvine
Concordia University-Nebraska
Concordia University, St. Paul (CSP)
Concordia University-Wisconsin
Concord University
Connecticut College
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
Corban University
Cornell College
Cornell University
Cornerstone University
Cornish College of the Arts
Covenant College
Creighton University
Criswell College
Culinary Institute of America
Culver-Stockton College
CUNY Bernard M Baruch College
CUNY City College
CUNY Hunter College
CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice
CUNY Lehman College
CUNY Queens College
Curry College
Daemen College
Dakota State University
Dallas Baptist University
Dartmouth College
Davidson College (DC)
Davis & Elkins College
Dean College
Delaware State University
Delaware Valley University
Delta State University
Denison University
DePaul University
DePauw University
DeSales University
Dickinson College
Dickinson State University
Dixie State University
Doane University-Arts & Sciences
Dominican College of Blauvelt
Dominican University
Dominican University of California
Drake University
Drew University (DU)
Drexel University
Drury University
Duke University
Duquesne University
D'Youville College
Earlham College
East Carolina University
East Central University
Eastern Connecticut State University
Eastern Illinois University
Eastern Kentucky University
Eastern Mennonite University
Eastern Michigan University
Eastern Nazarene College
Eastern Oregon University
Eastern University
Eastern Washington University
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania
East Tennessee State University
East Texas A&M University
Eckerd College
Edgewood College
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Elizabeth City State University
Elizabethtown College
Elmhurst College
Elon University
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Emerson College
Emmanuel College
Emmanuel College
Emmaus Bible College
Emory & Henry College
Emory University
Emporia State University
Endicott College
Eureka College
Evangel University
Fairfield University
Fairmont State University
Farmingdale State College
Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT)
Faulkner University
Fayetteville State University
Ferris State University
Ferrum College
Fisher College
Fitchburg State University
Flagler College-St Augustine
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
Florida Atlantic University
Florida Gulf Coast University
Florida Institute of Technology
Florida International University (FIU)
Florida Southern College (FSC)
Florida State University (FSU)
Fontbonne University
Fordham University (FU)
Fort Hays State University
Fort Lewis College
Fort Valley State University
Framingham State University
Franciscan University of Steubenville
Francis Marion University
Franklin and Marshall College
Franklin Pierce University
Franklin University Switzerland (FUS)
Franklin W Olin College of Engineering
Freed-Hardeman University
Friends University
Frostburg State University
Gallaudet University
Gannon University
Gardner-Webb University
George Fox University
George Mason University
Georgetown College
Georgetown University
George Washington University (GWU)
Georgia College & State University
Georgia Gwinnett College
Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus
Georgia Southern University (GSU)
Georgia Southwestern State University
Georgia State University
Gettysburg College
Glenville State College
Gonzaga University
Gordon College
Goshen College
Goucher College
Governors State University
Grace College and Theological Seminary
Graceland University-Lamoni
Grambling State University
Grand Valley State University
Grand View University
Great Basin College
Greenville University
Grinnell College
Grove City College
Guilford College
Gustavus Adolphus College
Gwynedd Mercy University
Hamilton College
Hamline University
Hampden-Sydney College
Hampshire College
Hampton University
Hanover College
Harding University
Hardin-Simmons University
Harris-Stowe State University
Hartwick College
Harvard University
Harvey Mudd College
Haverford College
Hawaii Pacific University
Heidelberg University
Hellenic College-Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology
Henderson State University
Hendrix College
High Point University (HPU)
Hilbert College
Hiram College
Hobart William Smith Colleges
Hofstra University
Hollins University
Holy Family University
Hood College
Hope College
Houghton University
Houston Baptist University
Howard University
Humboldt State University
Huntingdon College
Huntington University
Huston-Tillotson University
Idaho State University
Illinois College
Illinois Institute of Technology
Illinois State University
Illinois Wesleyan University
Immaculata University
Indiana Institute of Technology
Indiana State University
Indiana University-Bloomington
Indiana University-East
Indiana University-Kokomo
Indiana University-Northwest
Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus
Indiana University-Purdue University-Fort Wayne
Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis (IUPUI)
Indiana University-South Bend
Indiana University-Southeast
Indiana Wesleyan University-Marion
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Aguadilla
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Fajardo
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Ponce
Iona College
Iowa State University (ISU)
Iowa Wesleyan University
Ithaca College
Jackson State University
Jacksonville State University
Jacksonville University
James Madison University (JMU)
Jefferson College of Health Sciences
Jefferson (Philadelphia University + Thomas Jefferson University)
John Brown University
John Carroll University
John Paul the Great Catholic University
Johns Hopkins University (JHU)
Johnson C Smith University
Johnson University
Johnson University Florida
Johnson & Wales University-Charlotte (JWU)
Johnson & Wales University-Providence (JWU)
Judson College
Judson University
Juniata College
Kansas City Art Institute
Kansas State University (KSU)
Kean University
Keene State College
Kent State University at Kent (KSU)
Kentucky Mountain Bible College
Kentucky State University
Kenyon College
Kettering University
Keuka College
King's College
King University
Knox College
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Kuyper College
Lafayette College
LaGrange College
Lake Forest College
Lake Superior State University
Lamar University
Landmark College
La Roche College
La Salle University
Lasell College
La Sierra University
Lawrence Technological University
Lawrence University
Lebanon Valley College
Lees-McRae College
Lee University
Lehigh University
Le Moyne College
Lenoir-Rhyne University
Lesley University
LeTourneau University
Lewis & Clark College
Lewis-Clark State College
Lewis University
Liberty University
Life University
LIM College
Limestone College
Lincoln Christian University
Lincoln Memorial University
Lincoln University
Lincoln University
Lindenwood University
Linfield College-McMinnville Campus
Lipscomb University
LIU Brooklyn
LIU Post
Livingstone College
Lock Haven University
Loma Linda University
Longwood University
Loras College
Louisiana College
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College
Louisiana State University-Shreveport
Louisiana Tech University
Loyola Marymount University (LMU)
Loyola University Chicago (LUC)
Loyola University Maryland
Loyola University New Orleans
Lubbock Christian University
Luther College
Lycoming College
Lynchburg College
Lynn University
Lyon College
Macalester College
Madonna University
Maharishi University of Management
Maine Maritime Academy
Malone University
Manhattan College
Manhattan School of Music
Manhattanville College
Mansfield University of Pennsylvania
Maranatha Baptist University
Marian University
Marietta College
Marist College
Marlboro College
Marquette University
Marshall University
Mars Hill University
Martin Luther College
Mary Baldwin University (MBU)
Maryland Institute College of Art
Marymount California University
Marymount Manhattan College
Marymount University (MU)
Maryville College
Maryville University of Saint Louis
Marywood University
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Mayville State University
McDaniel College
McKendree University
McMurry University
McNeese State University
McPherson College
Menlo College
Mercer University
Mercy College
Mercy College of Health Sciences
Mercyhurst University
Meredith College
Messiah College
Methodist University
Metropolitan College of New York
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Miami University-Oxford
Michigan State University (MSU)
Michigan Technological University
MidAmerica Nazarene University
Mid-Atlantic Christian University
Middlebury College
Middle Tennessee State University
Millersville University (MU)
Millikin University
Millsaps College
Mills College
Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Minneapolis College of Art and Design
Minnesota State University-Mankato
Minnesota State University Moorhead
Minot State University
Misericordia University
Mississippi College
Mississippi State University (MSU)
Missouri Baptist University
Missouri Southern State University
Missouri State University-Springfield
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Molloy College
Monmouth College
Monmouth University
Montana State University
Montana State University-Billings
Montana Tech of the University of Montana
Montclair State University (MSU)
Moravian University
Morehead State University
Morehouse College
Morgan State University (MSU)
Morris College
Mount Aloysius College
Mount Carmel College of Nursing
Mount Holyoke College
Mount Marty College
Mount Mary University
Mount Mercy University
Mount Saint Joseph University
Mount Saint Mary College
Mount Saint Mary's University
Mount St. Mary's University
Mount Vernon Nazarene University
Muhlenberg College
Multnomah University
Murray State University
Muskingum University
Naropa University
Nazareth College
Nebraska Methodist College of Nursing & Allied Health
Neumann University
Newberry College
New College of Florida
New England College
New Jersey City University
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newman University
New Mexico Highlands University
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
New Mexico State University-Main Campus
NewSchool of Architecture & Design
New York Institute of Technology (NYIT)
New York University (NYU)
Niagara University
Nicholls State University
Nichols College
North Carolina A & T State University (NCA&T)
North Carolina Central University
North Carolina State University at Raleigh (NCSU)
North Central College (NCC)
North Central University
North Dakota State University-Main Campus
Northeast Catholic College
Northeastern Illinois University
Northeastern State University
Northeastern University (NU)
Northern Arizona University (NAU)
Northern Illinois University
Northern Kentucky University
Northern Michigan University
Northern State University
North Greenville University
Northland College
Northwest Christian University
Northwestern College
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Northwestern State University of Louisiana
Northwestern University
Northwest Missouri State University
Northwest Nazarene University
Northwest University
Northwood University
Notre Dame de Namur University
Nova Southeastern University
Nyack College
Oakland City University
Oakland University
Oberlin College
Occidental College
Oglethorpe University
Ohio Dominican University
Ohio Northern University
Ohio State University-Lima Campus
Ohio State University-Main Campus
Ohio State University-Mansfield Campus
Ohio State University-Marion Campus
Ohio State University-Newark Campus
Ohio University-Main Campus (OU)
Ohio Valley University
Ohio Wesleyan University
Oklahoma Baptist University (OBU)
Oklahoma Christian University
Oklahoma City University
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus
Old Dominion University
Oral Roberts University
Oregon Health & Science University
Oregon Institute of Technology
Oregon State University (OSU)
Otterbein University (OU)
Ouachita Baptist University
Our Lady of the Lake University
Pace University-New York (PU)
Pacific Lutheran University (PLU)
Pacific Union College
Pacific University
Paier College of Art Inc
Palm Beach Atlantic University
Pennsylvania College of Technology
Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Abington
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Altoona
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Beaver
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Berks
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Brandywine
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State DuBois
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Erie-Behrend College
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Fayette- Eberly
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Greater Allegheny
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Harrisburg
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Hazleton
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Lehigh Valley
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State New Kensington
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Schuylkill
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Shenango
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Wilkes-Barre
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Worthington Scranton
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State York
Pepperdine University
Peru State College
Pfeiffer University
Philander Smith College
Piedmont College
Pine Manor College
Pittsburg State University
Pitzer College
Plymouth State University
Point Loma Nazarene University
Point Park University
Point University
Pomona College
Portland State University (PSU)
Prairie View A & M University
Pratt Institute-Main
Presbyterian College
Prescott College
Princeton University
Principia College
Providence College (PC)
Purdue University-Main Campus
Purdue University Northwest
Queens University of Charlotte
Quincy University
Quinnipiac University (QU)
Radford University
Ramapo College
Randolph College
Randolph-Macon College
Reed College
Regent University
Regis University
Reinhardt University
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rhode Island College
Rhode Island School of Design
Rhodes College
Rice University
Rider University
Ringling College of Art and Design
Rivier University
Roanoke College
Robert Morris University
Robert Morris University Illinois
Roberts Wesleyan College
Rochester College
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
Rockford University
Rockhurst University
Rocky Mountain College
Rogers State University
Roger Williams University
Rollins College
Roosevelt University
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Rosemont College
Rutgers University-Camden
Rutgers University-Newark
Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Sacred Heart University
Saginaw Valley State University
Saint Anselm College
Saint Augustine's University
Saint Cloud State University
Saint Edward's University
Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing
Saint Francis University
Saint John Fisher College
Saint Johns University
Saint Joseph's University
Saint Leo University
Saint Louis Christian College
Saint Louis University (SLU)
Saint Martin's University - INACTIVE
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College
Saint Mary's College
Saint Mary's College of California
Saint Michael's College (SMC)
Saint Norbert College
Saint Peter's University
Saint Vincent College
Salem State University
Salisbury University
Salve Regina University
Samford University (SU)
Sam Houston State University (SHSU)
San Diego Christian College
San Diego State University (SDSU)
San Francisco Art Institute
San Francisco Conservatory of Music
San Francisco State University
San Joaquin College of Law
San Jose State University
Santa Clara University (SCU)
Sarah Lawrence College (SLC)
Savannah College of Art and Design
Savannah State University
School of Architecture at Taliesin
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
School of Visual Arts
Schreiner University
Scripps College
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle University
Seton Hill University
Sewanee | The University of the South
Shawnee State University
Shaw University
Shenandoah University
Shepherd University
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Shorter University
Siena College
Sierra Nevada College
Silver Lake College of the Holy Family
Simmons College
Simpson College
Skidmore College
Slippery Rock University (SRU)
Smith College
Sonoma State University
South Carolina State University
Southeastern Louisiana University
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Southeastern University
Southeast Missouri State University
Southern Adventist University
Southern Connecticut State University
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville (SIUE)
Southern Methodist University (SMU)
Southern New Hampshire University
Southern Oregon University
Southern Utah University
Southwest Baptist University
Southwestern Adventist University
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Southwestern University
Spelman College
Spring Hill College
St. Ambrose University
St. Andrews University
Stanford University
State University of New York at New Paltz
St Bonaventure University
St. Catherine University
Stephen F. Austin State University
Sterling College
Stetson University
Stevens Institute of Technology
Stevenson University
St. John's College
St. John's College
St John's University-New York (SJU)
St. Joseph's College-New York
St Lawrence University
St. Louis College of Pharmacy
St. Mary's College of Maryland
St. Mary's University
Stockton University
St Olaf College
Stonehill College
Stony Brook University (SBU)
St. Thomas Aquinas College
St Thomas University
SUNY at Albany
SUNY at Binghamton
SUNY at Fredonia
SUNY at Purchase College
SUNY Buffalo State
SUNY College at Brockport
SUNY College at Geneseo
SUNY College at Old Westbury
SUNY College at Oswego
SUNY College at Plattsburgh
SUNY College at Potsdam
SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
SUNY College of Technology at Canton
SUNY Cortland
SUNY Empire State College
SUNY Oneonta
Susquehanna University
Swarthmore College
Sweet Briar College
Tabor College
Tarleton State University
Taylor University
Temple University (TU)
Tennessee State University (TSU)
Tennessee Technological University
Tennessee Wesleyan University
Texas A & M International University
Texas A & M University-College Station (TAMU)
Texas A & M University-Kingsville
Texas A&M University-Texarkana
Texas Christian University (TCU)
Texas Lutheran University
Texas State University (TXST)
Texas Tech University (TTU)
Texas Wesleyan University
Texas Woman's University
The Citadel - The Military College of South Carolina
The College of Idaho
The College of New Jersey (TCNJ)
The College of Saint Rose
The College of Saint Scholastica (CSS)
The College of Wooster
The Evergreen State College
The Juilliard School
The Master's University and Seminary
The New School
The Sage Colleges
The University of Alabama (UA)
The University of Findlay
The University of Montana
The University of Montana-Western
The University of Tampa (UT)
The University of Tennessee-Chattanooga
The University of Tennessee-Knoxville (UTK)
The University of Tennessee-Martin
The University of Texas at Austin (UT)
The University of Texas at Dallas
The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) | Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design
The University of Texas at Tyler
The University of Texas of the Permian Basin
The University of Virginia's College at Wise
The University of West Florida
Thiel College
Tiffin University
Toccoa Falls College
Tougaloo College
Touro College
Towson University (TU)
Transylvania University
Trevecca Nazarene University
Trine University
Trinity Christian College
Trinity College
Trinity College of Florida
Trinity University
Troy University
Tufts University
Tulane University of Louisiana
Tusculum College
UC Berkeley
UC Irvine
Union College
Union College
Union College
Union University
Universidad Politecnica de Puerto Rico
University at Buffalo (UB)
University of Akron Main Campus
University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)
University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH)
University of Alaska Anchorage
University of Alaska Fairbanks
University of Alaska Southeast
University of Arizona
University of Arkansas
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
University of Bridgeport
University of California-Davis (UCD)
University of California-Merced
University of California-Riverside (UCR)
University of California-San Diego (UC San Diego)
University of California-Santa Barbara
University of California-Santa Cruz (UCSC)
University of Central Arkansas
University of Central Florida (UCF)
University of Central Missouri
University of Central Oklahoma
University of Charleston
University of Cincinnati-Main Campus (UC)
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Colorado Colorado Springs
University of Colorado Denver/Anschutz Medical Campus (CU Anschutz)
University of Connecticut
University of Dallas
University of Dayton
University of Delaware (UD)
University of Denver (DU)
University of Detroit Mercy
University of Dubuque
University of Evansville
University of Florida (UF)
University of Georgia (UGA)
University of Hartford
University of Hawaii at Hilo
University of Hawaii at Manoa - Shidler College of Business (UH)
University of Hawaii-West Oahu
University of Houston-Clear Lake
University of Houston-Downtown
University of Houston (UH)
University of Houston - Victoria
University of Idaho
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois at Springfield
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
University of Indianapolis
University of Iowa (UI)
University of Jamestown
University of Kansas (UK)
University of Kentucky (UK)
University of La Verne
University of Louisiana at Monroe
University of Louisville
University of Maine
University of Maine at Farmington
University of Maine at Fort Kent
University of Maine at Machias
University of Maine at Presque Isle
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
University of Maryland-Baltimore County
University of Maryland-College Park (UMD)
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
University of Maryland-University College
University of Mary Washington
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
University of Massachusetts-Boston
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
University of Massachusetts-Lowell
University of Memphis
University of Miami (UM)
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
University of Michigan-Dearborn
University of Michigan-Flint
University of Minnesota-Crookston
University of Minnesota-Duluth
University of Minnesota-Morris
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
University of Mississippi (UM)
University of Missouri-Columbia (MU)
University of Missouri-Kansas City
University of Missouri-St Louis
University of Mobile
University of Montevallo
University of Mount Union
University of Nebraska at Kearney
University of Nebraska at Omaha
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
University of Nevada-Las Vegas (UNLV)
University of Nevada, Reno
University of New England
University of New Hampshire at Manchester
University of New Hampshire-Main Campus
University of New Haven
University of New Mexico-Main Campus
University of North Alabama
University of North Carolina at Asheville
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC)
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
University of North Carolina at Pembroke
University of North Carolina School of the Arts
University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW)
University of Northern Colorado
University of Northern Iowa
University of North Florida (UNF)
University of North Georgia
University of North Texas (UNT)
University of Northwestern-St Paul
University of Notre Dame
University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus
University of Oregon (UO)
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pikeville
University of Pittsburgh-Bradford
University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg
University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus
University of Portland (UP)
University of Providence
University of Puerto Rico-Arecibo
University of Puerto Rico-Bayamon
University of Puerto Rico-Ponce
University of Puget Sound
University of Redlands
University of Rhode Island (URI)
University of Richmond
University of Rochester
University of Saint Francis-Fort Wayne
University of Saint Joseph
University of Saint Mary
University of San Diego
University of San Francisco
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
University of Scranton
University of Sioux Falls
University of South Alabama
University of South Carolina Aiken
University of South Carolina-Beaufort
University of South Carolina-Columbia (USC)
University of South Carolina-Upstate
University of South Dakota
University of Southern California (USC)
University of Southern Indiana
University of Southern Maine (USM)
University of Southern Mississippi
University of South Florida-Main Campus (USF)
University of South Florida-Sarasota-Manatee
University of St Francis
University of St Thomas
University of St Thomas
University of the Incarnate Word
University of the Pacific (UOP)
University of the Potomac-Washington DC Campus
University of the Sciences
University of the Virgin Islands
University of Toledo
University of Tulsa
University of Utah
University of Valley Forge
University of Vermont (UVM)
University of Virginia-Main Campus
University of Washington-Bothell Campus
University of Washington-Seattle Campus (UW)
University of Washington-Tacoma Campus
University of West Alabama
University of West Georgia (UWG)
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM)
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
University of Wisconsin-Platteville
University of Wisconsin-River Falls
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
University of Wisconsin-Stout
University of Wisconsin-Superior
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
University of Wyoming (UW)
Ursinus College
Ursuline College
Utah State University
Utah Valley University
Utica College
Valdosta State University (VSU)
Valley City State University
Valparaiso University
Vanderbilt University
VanderCook College of Music
Vanguard University of Southern California
Vassar College
Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology
Vermont Technical College
Villanova University
Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)
Virginia Military Institute
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Virginia Union University
Virginia University of Lynchburg
Virginia Wesleyan University
Wabash College
Wagner College
Wake Forest University
Waldorf University
Walla Walla University
Walsh University
Warner Pacific College
Wartburg College
Washington and Lee University
Washington College
Washington & Jefferson College
Washington State University (WSU)
Washington University in St Louis (WashU)
Watkins College of Art Design & Film
Wayland Baptist University
Waynesburg University
Wayne State College
Wayne State University
Webber International University
Weber State University
Webster University
Welch College
Wellesley College
Wells College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Wesleyan College
Wesleyan University
Wesley College
West Chester University of Pennsylvania (WCU)
Western Carolina University
Western Connecticut State University
Western Illinois University
Western Kentucky University
Western Michigan University (WMU)
Western New England University
Western New Mexico University
Western Oregon University (WOU)
Western State Colorado University
Western Washington University
Westfield State University
West Liberty University
Westminster College
Westminster College
Westminster College PA
Westmont College
West Texas A & M University
West Virginia State University
West Virginia University Institute of Technology
West Virginia University (WVU)
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Wheaton College
Wheaton College
Wheeling Jesuit University (WJU)
Whitman College
Whittier College
Whitworth University
Wichita State University
Widener University
Wilkes University
Willamette University
William Jewell College
William Paterson University of New Jersey
William Peace University
William Penn University
Williams College
William Woods University
Wilmington University
Wilson College
Wingate University
Winona State University
Winston-Salem State University
Winthrop University
Wisconsin Lutheran College
Wittenberg University
Wofford College
Woodbury University
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
Worcester State University
Wright State University-Main Campus
Xavier University
Xavier University of Louisiana
Yale University
Yeshiva University
York College
York College of Pennsylvania
Young Harris College
Youngstown State University
Step 4: Examine the Risks of Transferring
You are changing a lot more than schools - you are changing friends, environments, credits, costs, etc.
All this change can be amazing, but it also has its drawbacks...
Risk #1
Will my college credits transfer?
The most obvious risk of transferring colleges is that you will lose existing college credits that you have earned. The most likely scenario is that some, but not all, of your college credits will transfer. Additionally, many universities have minimum grade requirements for a course to count for transfer credit.
You can select a university from the list below to see a breakdown of its minimum grade requirements:
Risk #2
Will I like the college I transfer to?
If you’re enrolled at a college you know exactly how important the people and community are. No platform in the world provides the same insight into the college experience as CampusReel.
This obviously a difficult question to answer. It’s also exactly why we created CampusReel - watch more than 15,000 student-made videos that show you exactly what it’s like to be a part of their communities… like this:
Risk #3
Starting over...
It’s takes time to find your home within a larger college community. Transferring colleges is not different - in fact, this transition is often even more difficult because many students already have established friend groups.
I recommend checking out the existing transfer population at a university before deciding to enroll. Does it receive 10 new transfer students each year, or 10,000? These numbers can help indicate how many other people will be in your same boat - it’s often easier to make friends with other transfer students first.
Need chances at a college?
Select College Abilene Christian University
Adams State University
Adelphi University
Agnes Scott College
Alabama State University
Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Albany State University
Albertus Magnus College
Albion College
Albright College
Alfred University
Alice Lloyd College
Allegheny College
Allen College
Alma College
Alvernia University
Alverno College
American Baptist College
American International College
American University (AU)
Amherst College
Anderson University
Anderson University
Andrews University
Angelo State University
Appalachian Bible College
Appalachian State University
Aquinas College (MI)
Arcadia University
Arizona State University-Tempe (ASU)
Arkansas State University-Main Campus
Arkansas Tech University
Arlington Baptist University
Asbury University
Ashland University
Assumption College
Athens State University
Auburn University at Montgomery
Auburn University (AU)
Augsburg University
Augustana College
Augustana University
Aurora University
Austin College
Austin Peay State University (APSU)
Averett University
Avila University
Azusa Pacific University (APU)
Baker University (BU)
Baldwin Wallace University
Ball State University (BSU)
Barclay College
Bard College
Barnard College
Barnes-Jewish College Goldfarb School of Nursing
Barry University
Barton College
Bates College
Baylor University
Bay Path University
Beacon College
Becker College
Bellarmine University
Belmont University
Beloit College
Benedictine College
Benedictine University
Bennett College
Bennington College
Bentley University
Berea College
Berklee College of Music
Berry College (BC)
Bethany College
Bethany College
Bethany Lutheran College
Bethel College-Indiana
Bethel University
Bethel University (BU)
Bethune-Cookman University
Biola University
Birmingham Southern College
Blackburn College
Blessing Rieman College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Bluefield College
Bluefield State College
Blue Mountain College
Bluffton University
Bob Jones University
Boise State University (BSU)
Boston College (BC)
Boston University (BU)
Bowdoin College
Bowling Green State University-Main Campus (BGSU)
Bradley University
Brandeis University
Brenau University
Brevard College
Bridgewater College
Brigham Young University-Provo (BYU)
Brown University
Bryant University
Bryan University
Bryn Athyn College of the New Church
Bryn Mawr College
Bucknell University
Buena Vista University
Butler University
Cairn University-Langhorne
Caldwell University
California Baptist University (CBU)
California College of the Arts
California Institute of Technology
California Institute of the Arts
California Lutheran University (CLU)
California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo
California State Polytechnic University-Pomona
California State University-Bakersfield
California State University-Chico
California State University-East Bay
California State University-Fresno
California State University-Fullerton (CSUF)
California State University-Long Beach (CSULB)
California State University-Los Angeles
California State University Maritime Academy
California State University-Monterey Bay
California State University-Northridge
California State University-Sacramento
California State University-San Bernardino
California State University San Marcos, Extended Learning
California State University-Stanislaus
California University of Pennsylvania
Calvary University
Calvin College
Cambridge College
Cameron University
Campbellsville University
Canisius College
Capital University
Cardinal Stritch University
Caribbean University-Bayamon
Carleton College
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
Carroll College
Carson-Newman University
Case Western Reserve University (CWRU)
Catawba College
Catholic University of America
Cazenovia College
Cedar Crest College
Cedarville University
Centenary College of Louisiana
Central College
Central Connecticut State University
Central Michigan University (CMU)
Central State University
Central Washington University
Centre College
Chaminade University of Honolulu
Champlain College
Chapman University (CU)
Charles R Drew University of Medicine and Science
Chatham University
Chestnut Hill College
Chowan University
Christian Brothers University
Christopher Newport University
Claflin University
Claremont McKenna College (CMC)
Clarion University of Pennsylvania
Clark Atlanta University
Clarke University
Clarkson University
Clark University
Clayton State University
Clemson University
Cleveland State University
Coastal Carolina University (CCU)
Coe College
Cogswell College
Coker College
Colby College
Colgate University
College of Charleston
College of Mount Saint Vincent
College of Our Lady of the Elms
College of Saint Benedict
College of Saint Mary
College of Staten Island CUNY
College of the Atlantic
College of the Holy Cross
College of William and Mary
Colorado College
Colorado Mesa University
Colorado School of Mines
Colorado State University-Fort Collins
Colorado State University-Pueblo
Columbia College
Columbia College
Columbia College Chicago
Columbia International University
Columbia University in the City of New York
Columbus College of Art and Design (CCAD)
Columbus State University
Concordia College at Moorhead
Concordia University-Ann Arbor
Concordia University-Chicago
Concordia University-Irvine
Concordia University-Nebraska
Concordia University, St. Paul (CSP)
Concordia University-Wisconsin
Concord University
Connecticut College
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
Corban University
Cornell College
Cornell University
Cornerstone University
Cornish College of the Arts
Covenant College
Creighton University
Criswell College
Culinary Institute of America
Culver-Stockton College
CUNY Bernard M Baruch College
CUNY City College
CUNY Hunter College
CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice
CUNY Lehman College
CUNY Queens College
Curry College
Daemen College
Dakota State University
Dallas Baptist University
Dartmouth College
Davidson College (DC)
Davis & Elkins College
Dean College
Delaware State University
Delaware Valley University
Delta State University
Denison University
DePaul University
DePauw University
DeSales University
Dickinson College
Dickinson State University
Dixie State University
Doane University-Arts & Sciences
Dominican College of Blauvelt
Dominican University
Dominican University of California
Drake University
Drew University (DU)
Drexel University
Drury University
Duke University
Duquesne University
D'Youville College
Earlham College
East Carolina University
East Central University
Eastern Connecticut State University
Eastern Illinois University
Eastern Kentucky University
Eastern Mennonite University
Eastern Michigan University
Eastern Nazarene College
Eastern Oregon University
Eastern University
Eastern Washington University
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania
East Tennessee State University
East Texas A&M University
Eckerd College
Edgewood College
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Elizabeth City State University
Elizabethtown College
Elmhurst College
Elon University
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Emerson College
Emmanuel College
Emmanuel College
Emmaus Bible College
Emory & Henry College
Emory University
Emporia State University
Endicott College
Eureka College
Evangel University
Fairfield University
Fairmont State University
Farmingdale State College
Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT)
Faulkner University
Fayetteville State University
Ferris State University
Ferrum College
Fisher College
Fitchburg State University
Flagler College-St Augustine
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
Florida Atlantic University
Florida Gulf Coast University
Florida Institute of Technology
Florida International University (FIU)
Florida Southern College (FSC)
Florida State University (FSU)
Fontbonne University
Fordham University (FU)
Fort Hays State University
Fort Lewis College
Fort Valley State University
Framingham State University
Franciscan University of Steubenville
Francis Marion University
Franklin and Marshall College
Franklin Pierce University
Franklin University Switzerland (FUS)
Franklin W Olin College of Engineering
Freed-Hardeman University
Friends University
Frostburg State University
Gallaudet University
Gannon University
Gardner-Webb University
George Fox University
George Mason University
Georgetown College
Georgetown University
George Washington University (GWU)
Georgia College & State University
Georgia Gwinnett College
Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus
Georgia Southern University (GSU)
Georgia Southwestern State University
Georgia State University
Gettysburg College
Glenville State College
Gonzaga University
Gordon College
Goshen College
Goucher College
Governors State University
Grace College and Theological Seminary
Graceland University-Lamoni
Grambling State University
Grand Valley State University
Grand View University
Great Basin College
Greenville University
Grinnell College
Grove City College
Guilford College
Gustavus Adolphus College
Gwynedd Mercy University
Hamilton College
Hamline University
Hampden-Sydney College
Hampshire College
Hampton University
Hanover College
Harding University
Hardin-Simmons University
Harris-Stowe State University
Hartwick College
Harvard University
Harvey Mudd College
Haverford College
Hawaii Pacific University
Heidelberg University
Hellenic College-Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology
Henderson State University
Hendrix College
High Point University (HPU)
Hilbert College
Hiram College
Hobart William Smith Colleges
Hofstra University
Hollins University
Holy Family University
Hood College
Hope College
Houghton University
Houston Baptist University
Howard University
Humboldt State University
Huntingdon College
Huntington University
Huston-Tillotson University
Idaho State University
Illinois College
Illinois Institute of Technology
Illinois State University
Illinois Wesleyan University
Immaculata University
Indiana Institute of Technology
Indiana State University
Indiana University-Bloomington
Indiana University-East
Indiana University-Kokomo
Indiana University-Northwest
Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus
Indiana University-Purdue University-Fort Wayne
Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis (IUPUI)
Indiana University-South Bend
Indiana University-Southeast
Indiana Wesleyan University-Marion
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Aguadilla
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Fajardo
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Ponce
Iona College
Iowa State University (ISU)
Iowa Wesleyan University
Ithaca College
Jackson State University
Jacksonville State University
Jacksonville University
James Madison University (JMU)
Jefferson College of Health Sciences
Jefferson (Philadelphia University + Thomas Jefferson University)
John Brown University
John Carroll University
John Paul the Great Catholic University
Johns Hopkins University (JHU)
Johnson C Smith University
Johnson University
Johnson University Florida
Johnson & Wales University-Charlotte (JWU)
Johnson & Wales University-Providence (JWU)
Judson College
Judson University
Juniata College
Kansas City Art Institute
Kansas State University (KSU)
Kean University
Keene State College
Kent State University at Kent (KSU)
Kentucky Mountain Bible College
Kentucky State University
Kenyon College
Kettering University
Keuka College
King's College
King University
Knox College
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Kuyper College
Lafayette College
LaGrange College
Lake Forest College
Lake Superior State University
Lamar University
Landmark College
La Roche College
La Salle University
Lasell College
La Sierra University
Lawrence Technological University
Lawrence University
Lebanon Valley College
Lees-McRae College
Lee University
Lehigh University
Le Moyne College
Lenoir-Rhyne University
Lesley University
LeTourneau University
Lewis & Clark College
Lewis-Clark State College
Lewis University
Liberty University
Life University
LIM College
Limestone College
Lincoln Christian University
Lincoln Memorial University
Lincoln University
Lincoln University
Lindenwood University
Linfield College-McMinnville Campus
Lipscomb University
LIU Brooklyn
LIU Post
Livingstone College
Lock Haven University
Loma Linda University
Longwood University
Loras College
Louisiana College
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College
Louisiana State University-Shreveport
Louisiana Tech University
Loyola Marymount University (LMU)
Loyola University Chicago (LUC)
Loyola University Maryland
Loyola University New Orleans
Lubbock Christian University
Luther College
Lycoming College
Lynchburg College
Lynn University
Lyon College
Macalester College
Madonna University
Maharishi University of Management
Maine Maritime Academy
Malone University
Manhattan College
Manhattan School of Music
Manhattanville College
Mansfield University of Pennsylvania
Maranatha Baptist University
Marian University
Marietta College
Marist College
Marlboro College
Marquette University
Marshall University
Mars Hill University
Martin Luther College
Mary Baldwin University (MBU)
Maryland Institute College of Art
Marymount California University
Marymount Manhattan College
Marymount University (MU)
Maryville College
Maryville University of Saint Louis
Marywood University
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Mayville State University
McDaniel College
McKendree University
McMurry University
McNeese State University
McPherson College
Menlo College
Mercer University
Mercy College
Mercy College of Health Sciences
Mercyhurst University
Meredith College
Messiah College
Methodist University
Metropolitan College of New York
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Miami University-Oxford
Michigan State University (MSU)
Michigan Technological University
MidAmerica Nazarene University
Mid-Atlantic Christian University
Middlebury College
Middle Tennessee State University
Millersville University (MU)
Millikin University
Millsaps College
Mills College
Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Minneapolis College of Art and Design
Minnesota State University-Mankato
Minnesota State University Moorhead
Minot State University
Misericordia University
Mississippi College
Mississippi State University (MSU)
Missouri Baptist University
Missouri Southern State University
Missouri State University-Springfield
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Molloy College
Monmouth College
Monmouth University
Montana State University
Montana State University-Billings
Montana Tech of the University of Montana
Montclair State University (MSU)
Moravian University
Morehead State University
Morehouse College
Morgan State University (MSU)
Morris College
Mount Aloysius College
Mount Carmel College of Nursing
Mount Holyoke College
Mount Marty College
Mount Mary University
Mount Mercy University
Mount Saint Joseph University
Mount Saint Mary College
Mount Saint Mary's University
Mount St. Mary's University
Mount Vernon Nazarene University
Muhlenberg College
Multnomah University
Murray State University
Muskingum University
Naropa University
Nazareth College
Nebraska Methodist College of Nursing & Allied Health
Neumann University
Newberry College
New College of Florida
New England College
New Jersey City University
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newman University
New Mexico Highlands University
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
New Mexico State University-Main Campus
NewSchool of Architecture & Design
New York Institute of Technology (NYIT)
New York University (NYU)
Niagara University
Nicholls State University
Nichols College
North Carolina A & T State University (NCA&T)
North Carolina Central University
North Carolina State University at Raleigh (NCSU)
North Central College (NCC)
North Central University
North Dakota State University-Main Campus
Northeast Catholic College
Northeastern Illinois University
Northeastern State University
Northeastern University (NU)
Northern Arizona University (NAU)
Northern Illinois University
Northern Kentucky University
Northern Michigan University
Northern State University
North Greenville University
Northland College
Northwest Christian University
Northwestern College
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Northwestern State University of Louisiana
Northwestern University
Northwest Missouri State University
Northwest Nazarene University
Northwest University
Northwood University
Notre Dame de Namur University
Nova Southeastern University
Nyack College
Oakland City University
Oakland University
Oberlin College
Occidental College
Oglethorpe University
Ohio Dominican University
Ohio Northern University
Ohio State University-Lima Campus
Ohio State University-Main Campus
Ohio State University-Mansfield Campus
Ohio State University-Marion Campus
Ohio State University-Newark Campus
Ohio University-Main Campus (OU)
Ohio Valley University
Ohio Wesleyan University
Oklahoma Baptist University (OBU)
Oklahoma Christian University
Oklahoma City University
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus
Old Dominion University
Oral Roberts University
Oregon Health & Science University
Oregon Institute of Technology
Oregon State University (OSU)
Otterbein University (OU)
Ouachita Baptist University
Our Lady of the Lake University
Pace University-New York (PU)
Pacific Lutheran University (PLU)
Pacific Union College
Pacific University
Paier College of Art Inc
Palm Beach Atlantic University
Pennsylvania College of Technology
Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Abington
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Altoona
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Beaver
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Berks
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Brandywine
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State DuBois
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Erie-Behrend College
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Fayette- Eberly
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Greater Allegheny
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Harrisburg
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Hazleton
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Lehigh Valley
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State New Kensington
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Schuylkill
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Shenango
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Wilkes-Barre
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Worthington Scranton
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State York
Pepperdine University
Peru State College
Pfeiffer University
Philander Smith College
Piedmont College
Pine Manor College
Pittsburg State University
Pitzer College
Plymouth State University
Point Loma Nazarene University
Point Park University
Point University
Pomona College
Portland State University (PSU)
Prairie View A & M University
Pratt Institute-Main
Presbyterian College
Prescott College
Princeton University
Principia College
Providence College (PC)
Purdue University-Main Campus
Purdue University Northwest
Queens University of Charlotte
Quincy University
Quinnipiac University (QU)
Radford University
Ramapo College
Randolph College
Randolph-Macon College
Reed College
Regent University
Regis University
Reinhardt University
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rhode Island College
Rhode Island School of Design
Rhodes College
Rice University
Rider University
Ringling College of Art and Design
Rivier University
Roanoke College
Robert Morris University
Robert Morris University Illinois
Roberts Wesleyan College
Rochester College
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
Rockford University
Rockhurst University
Rocky Mountain College
Rogers State University
Roger Williams University
Rollins College
Roosevelt University
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Rosemont College
Rutgers University-Camden
Rutgers University-Newark
Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Sacred Heart University
Saginaw Valley State University
Saint Anselm College
Saint Augustine's University
Saint Cloud State University
Saint Edward's University
Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing
Saint Francis University
Saint John Fisher College
Saint Johns University
Saint Joseph's University
Saint Leo University
Saint Louis Christian College
Saint Louis University (SLU)
Saint Martin's University - INACTIVE
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College
Saint Mary's College
Saint Mary's College of California
Saint Michael's College (SMC)
Saint Norbert College
Saint Peter's University
Saint Vincent College
Salem State University
Salisbury University
Salve Regina University
Samford University (SU)
Sam Houston State University (SHSU)
San Diego Christian College
San Diego State University (SDSU)
San Francisco Art Institute
San Francisco Conservatory of Music
San Francisco State University
San Joaquin College of Law
San Jose State University
Santa Clara University (SCU)
Sarah Lawrence College (SLC)
Savannah College of Art and Design
Savannah State University
School of Architecture at Taliesin
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
School of Visual Arts
Schreiner University
Scripps College
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle University
Seton Hill University
Sewanee | The University of the South
Shawnee State University
Shaw University
Shenandoah University
Shepherd University
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Shorter University
Siena College
Sierra Nevada College
Silver Lake College of the Holy Family
Simmons College
Simpson College
Skidmore College
Slippery Rock University (SRU)
Smith College
Sonoma State University
South Carolina State University
Southeastern Louisiana University
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Southeastern University
Southeast Missouri State University
Southern Adventist University
Southern Connecticut State University
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville (SIUE)
Southern Methodist University (SMU)
Southern New Hampshire University
Southern Oregon University
Southern Utah University
Southwest Baptist University
Southwestern Adventist University
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Southwestern University
Spelman College
Spring Hill College
St. Ambrose University
St. Andrews University
Stanford University
State University of New York at New Paltz
St Bonaventure University
St. Catherine University
Stephen F. Austin State University
Sterling College
Stetson University
Stevens Institute of Technology
Stevenson University
St. John's College
St. John's College
St John's University-New York (SJU)
St. Joseph's College-New York
St Lawrence University
St. Louis College of Pharmacy
St. Mary's College of Maryland
St. Mary's University
Stockton University
St Olaf College
Stonehill College
Stony Brook University (SBU)
St. Thomas Aquinas College
St Thomas University
SUNY at Albany
SUNY at Binghamton
SUNY at Fredonia
SUNY at Purchase College
SUNY Buffalo State
SUNY College at Brockport
SUNY College at Geneseo
SUNY College at Old Westbury
SUNY College at Oswego
SUNY College at Plattsburgh
SUNY College at Potsdam
SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
SUNY College of Technology at Canton
SUNY Cortland
SUNY Empire State College
SUNY Oneonta
Susquehanna University
Swarthmore College
Sweet Briar College
Tabor College
Tarleton State University
Taylor University
Temple University (TU)
Tennessee State University (TSU)
Tennessee Technological University
Tennessee Wesleyan University
Texas A & M International University
Texas A & M University-College Station (TAMU)
Texas A & M University-Kingsville
Texas A&M University-Texarkana
Texas Christian University (TCU)
Texas Lutheran University
Texas State University (TXST)
Texas Tech University (TTU)
Texas Wesleyan University
Texas Woman's University
The Citadel - The Military College of South Carolina
The College of Idaho
The College of New Jersey (TCNJ)
The College of Saint Rose
The College of Saint Scholastica (CSS)
The College of Wooster
The Evergreen State College
The Juilliard School
The Master's University and Seminary
The New School
The Sage Colleges
The University of Alabama (UA)
The University of Findlay
The University of Montana
The University of Montana-Western
The University of Tampa (UT)
The University of Tennessee-Chattanooga
The University of Tennessee-Knoxville (UTK)
The University of Tennessee-Martin
The University of Texas at Austin (UT)
The University of Texas at Dallas
The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) | Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design
The University of Texas at Tyler
The University of Texas of the Permian Basin
The University of Virginia's College at Wise
The University of West Florida
Thiel College
Tiffin University
Toccoa Falls College
Tougaloo College
Touro College
Towson University (TU)
Transylvania University
Trevecca Nazarene University
Trine University
Trinity Christian College
Trinity College
Trinity College of Florida
Trinity University
Troy University
Tufts University
Tulane University of Louisiana
Tusculum College
UC Berkeley
UC Irvine
Union College
Union College
Union College
Union University
Universidad Politecnica de Puerto Rico
University at Buffalo (UB)
University of Akron Main Campus
University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)
University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH)
University of Alaska Anchorage
University of Alaska Fairbanks
University of Alaska Southeast
University of Arizona
University of Arkansas
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
University of Bridgeport
University of California-Davis (UCD)
University of California-Merced
University of California-Riverside (UCR)
University of California-San Diego (UC San Diego)
University of California-Santa Barbara
University of California-Santa Cruz (UCSC)
University of Central Arkansas
University of Central Florida (UCF)
University of Central Missouri
University of Central Oklahoma
University of Charleston
University of Cincinnati-Main Campus (UC)
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Colorado Colorado Springs
University of Colorado Denver/Anschutz Medical Campus (CU Anschutz)
University of Connecticut
University of Dallas
University of Dayton
University of Delaware (UD)
University of Denver (DU)
University of Detroit Mercy
University of Dubuque
University of Evansville
University of Florida (UF)
University of Georgia (UGA)
University of Hartford
University of Hawaii at Hilo
University of Hawaii at Manoa - Shidler College of Business (UH)
University of Hawaii-West Oahu
University of Houston-Clear Lake
University of Houston-Downtown
University of Houston (UH)
University of Houston - Victoria
University of Idaho
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois at Springfield
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
University of Indianapolis
University of Iowa (UI)
University of Jamestown
University of Kansas (UK)
University of Kentucky (UK)
University of La Verne
University of Louisiana at Monroe
University of Louisville
University of Maine
University of Maine at Farmington
University of Maine at Fort Kent
University of Maine at Machias
University of Maine at Presque Isle
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
University of Maryland-Baltimore County
University of Maryland-College Park (UMD)
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
University of Maryland-University College
University of Mary Washington
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
University of Massachusetts-Boston
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
University of Massachusetts-Lowell
University of Memphis
University of Miami (UM)
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
University of Michigan-Dearborn
University of Michigan-Flint
University of Minnesota-Crookston
University of Minnesota-Duluth
University of Minnesota-Morris
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
University of Mississippi (UM)
University of Missouri-Columbia (MU)
University of Missouri-Kansas City
University of Missouri-St Louis
University of Mobile
University of Montevallo
University of Mount Union
University of Nebraska at Kearney
University of Nebraska at Omaha
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
University of Nevada-Las Vegas (UNLV)
University of Nevada, Reno
University of New England
University of New Hampshire at Manchester
University of New Hampshire-Main Campus
University of New Haven
University of New Mexico-Main Campus
University of North Alabama
University of North Carolina at Asheville
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC)
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
University of North Carolina at Pembroke
University of North Carolina School of the Arts
University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW)
University of Northern Colorado
University of Northern Iowa
University of North Florida (UNF)
University of North Georgia
University of North Texas (UNT)
University of Northwestern-St Paul
University of Notre Dame
University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus
University of Oregon (UO)
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pikeville
University of Pittsburgh-Bradford
University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg
University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus
University of Portland (UP)
University of Providence
University of Puerto Rico-Arecibo
University of Puerto Rico-Bayamon
University of Puerto Rico-Ponce
University of Puget Sound
University of Redlands
University of Rhode Island (URI)
University of Richmond
University of Rochester
University of Saint Francis-Fort Wayne
University of Saint Joseph
University of Saint Mary
University of San Diego
University of San Francisco
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
University of Scranton
University of Sioux Falls
University of South Alabama
University of South Carolina Aiken
University of South Carolina-Beaufort
University of South Carolina-Columbia (USC)
University of South Carolina-Upstate
University of South Dakota
University of Southern California (USC)
University of Southern Indiana
University of Southern Maine (USM)
University of Southern Mississippi
University of South Florida-Main Campus (USF)
University of South Florida-Sarasota-Manatee
University of St Francis
University of St Thomas
University of St Thomas
University of the Incarnate Word
University of the Pacific (UOP)
University of the Potomac-Washington DC Campus
University of the Sciences
University of the Virgin Islands
University of Toledo
University of Tulsa
University of Utah
University of Valley Forge
University of Vermont (UVM)
University of Virginia-Main Campus
University of Washington-Bothell Campus
University of Washington-Seattle Campus (UW)
University of Washington-Tacoma Campus
University of West Alabama
University of West Georgia (UWG)
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM)
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
University of Wisconsin-Platteville
University of Wisconsin-River Falls
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
University of Wisconsin-Stout
University of Wisconsin-Superior
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
University of Wyoming (UW)
Ursinus College
Ursuline College
Utah State University
Utah Valley University
Utica College
Valdosta State University (VSU)
Valley City State University
Valparaiso University
Vanderbilt University
VanderCook College of Music
Vanguard University of Southern California
Vassar College
Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology
Vermont Technical College
Villanova University
Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)
Virginia Military Institute
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Virginia Union University
Virginia University of Lynchburg
Virginia Wesleyan University
Wabash College
Wagner College
Wake Forest University
Waldorf University
Walla Walla University
Walsh University
Warner Pacific College
Wartburg College
Washington and Lee University
Washington College
Washington & Jefferson College
Washington State University (WSU)
Washington University in St Louis (WashU)
Watkins College of Art Design & Film
Wayland Baptist University
Waynesburg University
Wayne State College
Wayne State University
Webber International University
Weber State University
Webster University
Welch College
Wellesley College
Wells College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Wesleyan College
Wesleyan University
Wesley College
West Chester University of Pennsylvania (WCU)
Western Carolina University
Western Connecticut State University
Western Illinois University
Western Kentucky University
Western Michigan University (WMU)
Western New England University
Western New Mexico University
Western Oregon University (WOU)
Western State Colorado University
Western Washington University
Westfield State University
West Liberty University
Westminster College
Westminster College
Westminster College PA
Westmont College
West Texas A & M University
West Virginia State University
West Virginia University Institute of Technology
West Virginia University (WVU)
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Wheaton College
Wheaton College
Wheeling Jesuit University (WJU)
Whitman College
Whittier College
Whitworth University
Wichita State University
Widener University
Wilkes University
Willamette University
William Jewell College
William Paterson University of New Jersey
William Peace University
William Penn University
Williams College
William Woods University
Wilmington University
Wilson College
Wingate University
Winona State University
Winston-Salem State University
Winthrop University
Wisconsin Lutheran College
Wittenberg University
Wofford College
Woodbury University
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
Worcester State University
Wright State University-Main Campus
Xavier University
Xavier University of Louisiana
Yale University
Yeshiva University
York College
York College of Pennsylvania
Young Harris College
Youngstown State University
Step 5: Transferring Colleges After 1 Year
It’s worth adding a quick snippet in if you find yourself in this unique situation.
If you are transferring colleges after one semester or one year, your high school GPA is going to be much more important than if you transfer later on in your college career.
Your transfer colleges, in this case, will likely align closely in competitiveness with your list of colleges in high school.
Step 6: Transfer Acceptance Rates should Align with Your Competitiveness
The average acceptance rate for all transfer students in the US, across all US colleges, is 63.1%. That means there are hundreds of schools above and below that mark.
You should analyze where your grades and test scores fall on the competitiveness spectrum, so select schools that align with your resume.
CampusReel also provides acceptance rates and requirements by school:
Need chances at a college?
Select College Abilene Christian University
Adams State University
Adelphi University
Agnes Scott College
Alabama State University
Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Albany State University
Albertus Magnus College
Albion College
Albright College
Alfred University
Alice Lloyd College
Allegheny College
Allen College
Alma College
Alvernia University
Alverno College
American Baptist College
American International College
American University (AU)
Amherst College
Anderson University
Anderson University
Andrews University
Angelo State University
Appalachian Bible College
Appalachian State University
Aquinas College (MI)
Arcadia University
Arizona State University-Tempe (ASU)
Arkansas State University-Main Campus
Arkansas Tech University
Arlington Baptist University
Asbury University
Ashland University
Assumption College
Athens State University
Auburn University at Montgomery
Auburn University (AU)
Augsburg University
Augustana College
Augustana University
Aurora University
Austin College
Austin Peay State University (APSU)
Averett University
Avila University
Azusa Pacific University (APU)
Baker University (BU)
Baldwin Wallace University
Ball State University (BSU)
Barclay College
Bard College
Barnard College
Barnes-Jewish College Goldfarb School of Nursing
Barry University
Barton College
Bates College
Baylor University
Bay Path University
Beacon College
Becker College
Bellarmine University
Belmont University
Beloit College
Benedictine College
Benedictine University
Bennett College
Bennington College
Bentley University
Berea College
Berklee College of Music
Berry College (BC)
Bethany College
Bethany College
Bethany Lutheran College
Bethel College-Indiana
Bethel University
Bethel University (BU)
Bethune-Cookman University
Biola University
Birmingham Southern College
Blackburn College
Blessing Rieman College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Bluefield College
Bluefield State College
Blue Mountain College
Bluffton University
Bob Jones University
Boise State University (BSU)
Boston College (BC)
Boston University (BU)
Bowdoin College
Bowling Green State University-Main Campus (BGSU)
Bradley University
Brandeis University
Brenau University
Brevard College
Bridgewater College
Brigham Young University-Provo (BYU)
Brown University
Bryant University
Bryan University
Bryn Athyn College of the New Church
Bryn Mawr College
Bucknell University
Buena Vista University
Butler University
Cairn University-Langhorne
Caldwell University
California Baptist University (CBU)
California College of the Arts
California Institute of Technology
California Institute of the Arts
California Lutheran University (CLU)
California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo
California State Polytechnic University-Pomona
California State University-Bakersfield
California State University-Chico
California State University-East Bay
California State University-Fresno
California State University-Fullerton (CSUF)
California State University-Long Beach (CSULB)
California State University-Los Angeles
California State University Maritime Academy
California State University-Monterey Bay
California State University-Northridge
California State University-Sacramento
California State University-San Bernardino
California State University San Marcos, Extended Learning
California State University-Stanislaus
California University of Pennsylvania
Calvary University
Calvin College
Cambridge College
Cameron University
Campbellsville University
Canisius College
Capital University
Cardinal Stritch University
Caribbean University-Bayamon
Carleton College
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
Carroll College
Carson-Newman University
Case Western Reserve University (CWRU)
Catawba College
Catholic University of America
Cazenovia College
Cedar Crest College
Cedarville University
Centenary College of Louisiana
Central College
Central Connecticut State University
Central Michigan University (CMU)
Central State University
Central Washington University
Centre College
Chaminade University of Honolulu
Champlain College
Chapman University (CU)
Charles R Drew University of Medicine and Science
Chatham University
Chestnut Hill College
Chowan University
Christian Brothers University
Christopher Newport University
Claflin University
Claremont McKenna College (CMC)
Clarion University of Pennsylvania
Clark Atlanta University
Clarke University
Clarkson University
Clark University
Clayton State University
Clemson University
Cleveland State University
Coastal Carolina University (CCU)
Coe College
Cogswell College
Coker College
Colby College
Colgate University
College of Charleston
College of Mount Saint Vincent
College of Our Lady of the Elms
College of Saint Benedict
College of Saint Mary
College of Staten Island CUNY
College of the Atlantic
College of the Holy Cross
College of William and Mary
Colorado College
Colorado Mesa University
Colorado School of Mines
Colorado State University-Fort Collins
Colorado State University-Pueblo
Columbia College
Columbia College
Columbia College Chicago
Columbia International University
Columbia University in the City of New York
Columbus College of Art and Design (CCAD)
Columbus State University
Concordia College at Moorhead
Concordia University-Ann Arbor
Concordia University-Chicago
Concordia University-Irvine
Concordia University-Nebraska
Concordia University, St. Paul (CSP)
Concordia University-Wisconsin
Concord University
Connecticut College
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
Corban University
Cornell College
Cornell University
Cornerstone University
Cornish College of the Arts
Covenant College
Creighton University
Criswell College
Culinary Institute of America
Culver-Stockton College
CUNY Bernard M Baruch College
CUNY City College
CUNY Hunter College
CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice
CUNY Lehman College
CUNY Queens College
Curry College
Daemen College
Dakota State University
Dallas Baptist University
Dartmouth College
Davidson College (DC)
Davis & Elkins College
Dean College
Delaware State University
Delaware Valley University
Delta State University
Denison University
DePaul University
DePauw University
DeSales University
Dickinson College
Dickinson State University
Dixie State University
Doane University-Arts & Sciences
Dominican College of Blauvelt
Dominican University
Dominican University of California
Drake University
Drew University (DU)
Drexel University
Drury University
Duke University
Duquesne University
D'Youville College
Earlham College
East Carolina University
East Central University
Eastern Connecticut State University
Eastern Illinois University
Eastern Kentucky University
Eastern Mennonite University
Eastern Michigan University
Eastern Nazarene College
Eastern Oregon University
Eastern University
Eastern Washington University
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania
East Tennessee State University
East Texas A&M University
Eckerd College
Edgewood College
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Elizabeth City State University
Elizabethtown College
Elmhurst College
Elon University
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Emerson College
Emmanuel College
Emmanuel College
Emmaus Bible College
Emory & Henry College
Emory University
Emporia State University
Endicott College
Eureka College
Evangel University
Fairfield University
Fairmont State University
Farmingdale State College
Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT)
Faulkner University
Fayetteville State University
Ferris State University
Ferrum College
Fisher College
Fitchburg State University
Flagler College-St Augustine
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
Florida Atlantic University
Florida Gulf Coast University
Florida Institute of Technology
Florida International University (FIU)
Florida Southern College (FSC)
Florida State University (FSU)
Fontbonne University
Fordham University (FU)
Fort Hays State University
Fort Lewis College
Fort Valley State University
Framingham State University
Franciscan University of Steubenville
Francis Marion University
Franklin and Marshall College
Franklin Pierce University
Franklin University Switzerland (FUS)
Franklin W Olin College of Engineering
Freed-Hardeman University
Friends University
Frostburg State University
Gallaudet University
Gannon University
Gardner-Webb University
George Fox University
George Mason University
Georgetown College
Georgetown University
George Washington University (GWU)
Georgia College & State University
Georgia Gwinnett College
Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus
Georgia Southern University (GSU)
Georgia Southwestern State University
Georgia State University
Gettysburg College
Glenville State College
Gonzaga University
Gordon College
Goshen College
Goucher College
Governors State University
Grace College and Theological Seminary
Graceland University-Lamoni
Grambling State University
Grand Valley State University
Grand View University
Great Basin College
Greenville University
Grinnell College
Grove City College
Guilford College
Gustavus Adolphus College
Gwynedd Mercy University
Hamilton College
Hamline University
Hampden-Sydney College
Hampshire College
Hampton University
Hanover College
Harding University
Hardin-Simmons University
Harris-Stowe State University
Hartwick College
Harvard University
Harvey Mudd College
Haverford College
Hawaii Pacific University
Heidelberg University
Hellenic College-Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology
Henderson State University
Hendrix College
High Point University (HPU)
Hilbert College
Hiram College
Hobart William Smith Colleges
Hofstra University
Hollins University
Holy Family University
Hood College
Hope College
Houghton University
Houston Baptist University
Howard University
Humboldt State University
Huntingdon College
Huntington University
Huston-Tillotson University
Idaho State University
Illinois College
Illinois Institute of Technology
Illinois State University
Illinois Wesleyan University
Immaculata University
Indiana Institute of Technology
Indiana State University
Indiana University-Bloomington
Indiana University-East
Indiana University-Kokomo
Indiana University-Northwest
Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus
Indiana University-Purdue University-Fort Wayne
Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis (IUPUI)
Indiana University-South Bend
Indiana University-Southeast
Indiana Wesleyan University-Marion
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Aguadilla
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Fajardo
Inter American University of Puerto Rico-Ponce
Iona College
Iowa State University (ISU)
Iowa Wesleyan University
Ithaca College
Jackson State University
Jacksonville State University
Jacksonville University
James Madison University (JMU)
Jefferson College of Health Sciences
Jefferson (Philadelphia University + Thomas Jefferson University)
John Brown University
John Carroll University
John Paul the Great Catholic University
Johns Hopkins University (JHU)
Johnson C Smith University
Johnson University
Johnson University Florida
Johnson & Wales University-Charlotte (JWU)
Johnson & Wales University-Providence (JWU)
Judson College
Judson University
Juniata College
Kansas City Art Institute
Kansas State University (KSU)
Kean University
Keene State College
Kent State University at Kent (KSU)
Kentucky Mountain Bible College
Kentucky State University
Kenyon College
Kettering University
Keuka College
King's College
King University
Knox College
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Kuyper College
Lafayette College
LaGrange College
Lake Forest College
Lake Superior State University
Lamar University
Landmark College
La Roche College
La Salle University
Lasell College
La Sierra University
Lawrence Technological University
Lawrence University
Lebanon Valley College
Lees-McRae College
Lee University
Lehigh University
Le Moyne College
Lenoir-Rhyne University
Lesley University
LeTourneau University
Lewis & Clark College
Lewis-Clark State College
Lewis University
Liberty University
Life University
LIM College
Limestone College
Lincoln Christian University
Lincoln Memorial University
Lincoln University
Lincoln University
Lindenwood University
Linfield College-McMinnville Campus
Lipscomb University
LIU Brooklyn
LIU Post
Livingstone College
Lock Haven University
Loma Linda University
Longwood University
Loras College
Louisiana College
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College
Louisiana State University-Shreveport
Louisiana Tech University
Loyola Marymount University (LMU)
Loyola University Chicago (LUC)
Loyola University Maryland
Loyola University New Orleans
Lubbock Christian University
Luther College
Lycoming College
Lynchburg College
Lynn University
Lyon College
Macalester College
Madonna University
Maharishi University of Management
Maine Maritime Academy
Malone University
Manhattan College
Manhattan School of Music
Manhattanville College
Mansfield University of Pennsylvania
Maranatha Baptist University
Marian University
Marietta College
Marist College
Marlboro College
Marquette University
Marshall University
Mars Hill University
Martin Luther College
Mary Baldwin University (MBU)
Maryland Institute College of Art
Marymount California University
Marymount Manhattan College
Marymount University (MU)
Maryville College
Maryville University of Saint Louis
Marywood University
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Mayville State University
McDaniel College
McKendree University
McMurry University
McNeese State University
McPherson College
Menlo College
Mercer University
Mercy College
Mercy College of Health Sciences
Mercyhurst University
Meredith College
Messiah College
Methodist University
Metropolitan College of New York
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Miami University-Oxford
Michigan State University (MSU)
Michigan Technological University
MidAmerica Nazarene University
Mid-Atlantic Christian University
Middlebury College
Middle Tennessee State University
Millersville University (MU)
Millikin University
Millsaps College
Mills College
Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Minneapolis College of Art and Design
Minnesota State University-Mankato
Minnesota State University Moorhead
Minot State University
Misericordia University
Mississippi College
Mississippi State University (MSU)
Missouri Baptist University
Missouri Southern State University
Missouri State University-Springfield
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Molloy College
Monmouth College
Monmouth University
Montana State University
Montana State University-Billings
Montana Tech of the University of Montana
Montclair State University (MSU)
Moravian University
Morehead State University
Morehouse College
Morgan State University (MSU)
Morris College
Mount Aloysius College
Mount Carmel College of Nursing
Mount Holyoke College
Mount Marty College
Mount Mary University
Mount Mercy University
Mount Saint Joseph University
Mount Saint Mary College
Mount Saint Mary's University
Mount St. Mary's University
Mount Vernon Nazarene University
Muhlenberg College
Multnomah University
Murray State University
Muskingum University
Naropa University
Nazareth College
Nebraska Methodist College of Nursing & Allied Health
Neumann University
Newberry College
New College of Florida
New England College
New Jersey City University
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Newman University
New Mexico Highlands University
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
New Mexico State University-Main Campus
NewSchool of Architecture & Design
New York Institute of Technology (NYIT)
New York University (NYU)
Niagara University
Nicholls State University
Nichols College
North Carolina A & T State University (NCA&T)
North Carolina Central University
North Carolina State University at Raleigh (NCSU)
North Central College (NCC)
North Central University
North Dakota State University-Main Campus
Northeast Catholic College
Northeastern Illinois University
Northeastern State University
Northeastern University (NU)
Northern Arizona University (NAU)
Northern Illinois University
Northern Kentucky University
Northern Michigan University
Northern State University
North Greenville University
Northland College
Northwest Christian University
Northwestern College
Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Northwestern State University of Louisiana
Northwestern University
Northwest Missouri State University
Northwest Nazarene University
Northwest University
Northwood University
Notre Dame de Namur University
Nova Southeastern University
Nyack College
Oakland City University
Oakland University
Oberlin College
Occidental College
Oglethorpe University
Ohio Dominican University
Ohio Northern University
Ohio State University-Lima Campus
Ohio State University-Main Campus
Ohio State University-Mansfield Campus
Ohio State University-Marion Campus
Ohio State University-Newark Campus
Ohio University-Main Campus (OU)
Ohio Valley University
Ohio Wesleyan University
Oklahoma Baptist University (OBU)
Oklahoma Christian University
Oklahoma City University
Oklahoma State University-Main Campus
Old Dominion University
Oral Roberts University
Oregon Health & Science University
Oregon Institute of Technology
Oregon State University (OSU)
Otterbein University (OU)
Ouachita Baptist University
Our Lady of the Lake University
Pace University-New York (PU)
Pacific Lutheran University (PLU)
Pacific Union College
Pacific University
Paier College of Art Inc
Palm Beach Atlantic University
Pennsylvania College of Technology
Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Abington
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Altoona
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Beaver
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Berks
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Brandywine
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State DuBois
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Erie-Behrend College
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Fayette- Eberly
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Greater Allegheny
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Harrisburg
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Hazleton
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Lehigh Valley
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State New Kensington
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Schuylkill
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Shenango
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Wilkes-Barre
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Worthington Scranton
Pennsylvania State University-Penn State York
Pepperdine University
Peru State College
Pfeiffer University
Philander Smith College
Piedmont College
Pine Manor College
Pittsburg State University
Pitzer College
Plymouth State University
Point Loma Nazarene University
Point Park University
Point University
Pomona College
Portland State University (PSU)
Prairie View A & M University
Pratt Institute-Main
Presbyterian College
Prescott College
Princeton University
Principia College
Providence College (PC)
Purdue University-Main Campus
Purdue University Northwest
Queens University of Charlotte
Quincy University
Quinnipiac University (QU)
Radford University
Ramapo College
Randolph College
Randolph-Macon College
Reed College
Regent University
Regis University
Reinhardt University
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rhode Island College
Rhode Island School of Design
Rhodes College
Rice University
Rider University
Ringling College of Art and Design
Rivier University
Roanoke College
Robert Morris University
Robert Morris University Illinois
Roberts Wesleyan College
Rochester College
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
Rockford University
Rockhurst University
Rocky Mountain College
Rogers State University
Roger Williams University
Rollins College
Roosevelt University
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Rosemont College
Rutgers University-Camden
Rutgers University-Newark
Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Sacred Heart University
Saginaw Valley State University
Saint Anselm College
Saint Augustine's University
Saint Cloud State University
Saint Edward's University
Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing
Saint Francis University
Saint John Fisher College
Saint Johns University
Saint Joseph's University
Saint Leo University
Saint Louis Christian College
Saint Louis University (SLU)
Saint Martin's University - INACTIVE
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College
Saint Mary's College
Saint Mary's College of California
Saint Michael's College (SMC)
Saint Norbert College
Saint Peter's University
Saint Vincent College
Salem State University
Salisbury University
Salve Regina University
Samford University (SU)
Sam Houston State University (SHSU)
San Diego Christian College
San Diego State University (SDSU)
San Francisco Art Institute
San Francisco Conservatory of Music
San Francisco State University
San Joaquin College of Law
San Jose State University
Santa Clara University (SCU)
Sarah Lawrence College (SLC)
Savannah College of Art and Design
Savannah State University
School of Architecture at Taliesin
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
School of Visual Arts
Schreiner University
Scripps College
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle University
Seton Hill University
Sewanee | The University of the South
Shawnee State University
Shaw University
Shenandoah University
Shepherd University
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Shorter University
Siena College
Sierra Nevada College
Silver Lake College of the Holy Family
Simmons College
Simpson College
Skidmore College
Slippery Rock University (SRU)
Smith College
Sonoma State University
South Carolina State University
Southeastern Louisiana University
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Southeastern University
Southeast Missouri State University
Southern Adventist University
Southern Connecticut State University
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville (SIUE)
Southern Methodist University (SMU)
Southern New Hampshire University
Southern Oregon University
Southern Utah University
Southwest Baptist University
Southwestern Adventist University
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Southwestern University
Spelman College
Spring Hill College
St. Ambrose University
St. Andrews University
Stanford University
State University of New York at New Paltz
St Bonaventure University
St. Catherine University
Stephen F. Austin State University
Sterling College
Stetson University
Stevens Institute of Technology
Stevenson University
St. John's College
St. John's College
St John's University-New York (SJU)
St. Joseph's College-New York
St Lawrence University
St. Louis College of Pharmacy
St. Mary's College of Maryland
St. Mary's University
Stockton University
St Olaf College
Stonehill College
Stony Brook University (SBU)
St. Thomas Aquinas College
St Thomas University
SUNY at Albany
SUNY at Binghamton
SUNY at Fredonia
SUNY at Purchase College
SUNY Buffalo State
SUNY College at Brockport
SUNY College at Geneseo
SUNY College at Old Westbury
SUNY College at Oswego
SUNY College at Plattsburgh
SUNY College at Potsdam
SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
SUNY College of Technology at Alfred
SUNY College of Technology at Canton
SUNY Cortland
SUNY Empire State College
SUNY Oneonta
Susquehanna University
Swarthmore College
Sweet Briar College
Tabor College
Tarleton State University
Taylor University
Temple University (TU)
Tennessee State University (TSU)
Tennessee Technological University
Tennessee Wesleyan University
Texas A & M International University
Texas A & M University-College Station (TAMU)
Texas A & M University-Kingsville
Texas A&M University-Texarkana
Texas Christian University (TCU)
Texas Lutheran University
Texas State University (TXST)
Texas Tech University (TTU)
Texas Wesleyan University
Texas Woman's University
The Citadel - The Military College of South Carolina
The College of Idaho
The College of New Jersey (TCNJ)
The College of Saint Rose
The College of Saint Scholastica (CSS)
The College of Wooster
The Evergreen State College
The Juilliard School
The Master's University and Seminary
The New School
The Sage Colleges
The University of Alabama (UA)
The University of Findlay
The University of Montana
The University of Montana-Western
The University of Tampa (UT)
The University of Tennessee-Chattanooga
The University of Tennessee-Knoxville (UTK)
The University of Tennessee-Martin
The University of Texas at Austin (UT)
The University of Texas at Dallas
The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) | Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design
The University of Texas at Tyler
The University of Texas of the Permian Basin
The University of Virginia's College at Wise
The University of West Florida
Thiel College
Tiffin University
Toccoa Falls College
Tougaloo College
Touro College
Towson University (TU)
Transylvania University
Trevecca Nazarene University
Trine University
Trinity Christian College
Trinity College
Trinity College of Florida
Trinity University
Troy University
Tufts University
Tulane University of Louisiana
Tusculum College
UC Berkeley
UC Irvine
Union College
Union College
Union College
Union University
Universidad Politecnica de Puerto Rico
University at Buffalo (UB)
University of Akron Main Campus
University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)
University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH)
University of Alaska Anchorage
University of Alaska Fairbanks
University of Alaska Southeast
University of Arizona
University of Arkansas
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
University of Bridgeport
University of California-Davis (UCD)
University of California-Merced
University of California-Riverside (UCR)
University of California-San Diego (UC San Diego)
University of California-Santa Barbara
University of California-Santa Cruz (UCSC)
University of Central Arkansas
University of Central Florida (UCF)
University of Central Missouri
University of Central Oklahoma
University of Charleston
University of Cincinnati-Main Campus (UC)
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Colorado Colorado Springs
University of Colorado Denver/Anschutz Medical Campus (CU Anschutz)
University of Connecticut
University of Dallas
University of Dayton
University of Delaware (UD)
University of Denver (DU)
University of Detroit Mercy
University of Dubuque
University of Evansville
University of Florida (UF)
University of Georgia (UGA)
University of Hartford
University of Hawaii at Hilo
University of Hawaii at Manoa - Shidler College of Business (UH)
University of Hawaii-West Oahu
University of Houston-Clear Lake
University of Houston-Downtown
University of Houston (UH)
University of Houston - Victoria
University of Idaho
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois at Springfield
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
University of Indianapolis
University of Iowa (UI)
University of Jamestown
University of Kansas (UK)
University of Kentucky (UK)
University of La Verne
University of Louisiana at Monroe
University of Louisville
University of Maine
University of Maine at Farmington
University of Maine at Fort Kent
University of Maine at Machias
University of Maine at Presque Isle
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
University of Maryland-Baltimore County
University of Maryland-College Park (UMD)
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
University of Maryland-University College
University of Mary Washington
University of Massachusetts-Amherst
University of Massachusetts-Boston
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
University of Massachusetts-Lowell
University of Memphis
University of Miami (UM)
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
University of Michigan-Dearborn
University of Michigan-Flint
University of Minnesota-Crookston
University of Minnesota-Duluth
University of Minnesota-Morris
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
University of Mississippi (UM)
University of Missouri-Columbia (MU)
University of Missouri-Kansas City
University of Missouri-St Louis
University of Mobile
University of Montevallo
University of Mount Union
University of Nebraska at Kearney
University of Nebraska at Omaha
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
University of Nevada-Las Vegas (UNLV)
University of Nevada, Reno
University of New England
University of New Hampshire at Manchester
University of New Hampshire-Main Campus
University of New Haven
University of New Mexico-Main Campus
University of North Alabama
University of North Carolina at Asheville
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC)
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
University of North Carolina at Pembroke
University of North Carolina School of the Arts
University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW)
University of Northern Colorado
University of Northern Iowa
University of North Florida (UNF)
University of North Georgia
University of North Texas (UNT)
University of Northwestern-St Paul
University of Notre Dame
University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus
University of Oregon (UO)
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pikeville
University of Pittsburgh-Bradford
University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg
University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus
University of Portland (UP)
University of Providence
University of Puerto Rico-Arecibo
University of Puerto Rico-Bayamon
University of Puerto Rico-Ponce
University of Puget Sound
University of Redlands
University of Rhode Island (URI)
University of Richmond
University of Rochester
University of Saint Francis-Fort Wayne
University of Saint Joseph
University of Saint Mary
University of San Diego
University of San Francisco
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
University of Scranton
University of Sioux Falls
University of South Alabama
University of South Carolina Aiken
University of South Carolina-Beaufort
University of South Carolina-Columbia (USC)
University of South Carolina-Upstate
University of South Dakota
University of Southern California (USC)
University of Southern Indiana
University of Southern Maine (USM)
University of Southern Mississippi
University of South Florida-Main Campus (USF)
University of South Florida-Sarasota-Manatee
University of St Francis
University of St Thomas
University of St Thomas
University of the Incarnate Word
University of the Pacific (UOP)
University of the Potomac-Washington DC Campus
University of the Sciences
University of the Virgin Islands
University of Toledo
University of Tulsa
University of Utah
University of Valley Forge
University of Vermont (UVM)
University of Virginia-Main Campus
University of Washington-Bothell Campus
University of Washington-Seattle Campus (UW)
University of Washington-Tacoma Campus
University of West Alabama
University of West Georgia (UWG)
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM)
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
University of Wisconsin-Parkside
University of Wisconsin-Platteville
University of Wisconsin-River Falls
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
University of Wisconsin-Stout
University of Wisconsin-Superior
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
University of Wyoming (UW)
Ursinus College
Ursuline College
Utah State University
Utah Valley University
Utica College
Valdosta State University (VSU)
Valley City State University
Valparaiso University
Vanderbilt University
VanderCook College of Music
Vanguard University of Southern California
Vassar College
Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology
Vermont Technical College
Villanova University
Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)
Virginia Military Institute
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Virginia Union University
Virginia University of Lynchburg
Virginia Wesleyan University
Wabash College
Wagner College
Wake Forest University
Waldorf University
Walla Walla University
Walsh University
Warner Pacific College
Wartburg College
Washington and Lee University
Washington College
Washington & Jefferson College
Washington State University (WSU)
Washington University in St Louis (WashU)
Watkins College of Art Design & Film
Wayland Baptist University
Waynesburg University
Wayne State College
Wayne State University
Webber International University
Weber State University
Webster University
Welch College
Wellesley College
Wells College
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Wesleyan College
Wesleyan University
Wesley College
West Chester University of Pennsylvania (WCU)
Western Carolina University
Western Connecticut State University
Western Illinois University
Western Kentucky University
Western Michigan University (WMU)
Western New England University
Western New Mexico University
Western Oregon University (WOU)
Western State Colorado University
Western Washington University
Westfield State University
West Liberty University
Westminster College
Westminster College
Westminster College PA
Westmont College
West Texas A & M University
West Virginia State University
West Virginia University Institute of Technology
West Virginia University (WVU)
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Wheaton College
Wheaton College
Wheeling Jesuit University (WJU)
Whitman College
Whittier College
Whitworth University
Wichita State University
Widener University
Wilkes University
Willamette University
William Jewell College
William Paterson University of New Jersey
William Peace University
William Penn University
Williams College
William Woods University
Wilmington University
Wilson College
Wingate University
Winona State University
Winston-Salem State University
Winthrop University
Wisconsin Lutheran College
Wittenberg University
Wofford College
Woodbury University
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
Worcester State University
Wright State University-Main Campus
Xavier University
Xavier University of Louisiana
Yale University
Yeshiva University
York College
York College of Pennsylvania
Young Harris College
Youngstown State University
Step 7: Write an Amazing Essay
I know, you’ve already got to write 5 essays for the classes you’re already in…
Unfortunately, you need to add 1 more to that list 😉
But this one could completely change the trajectory of your college experience.
We could spend hours explaining how to craft a perfect college essay, or you could watch this video from the College Essay Guy.
The most important elements to keep in mind when writing your essay is that it is succinct and specific .
Again, think critically about your reason for transferring. What do you want to accomplish? What are you lacking at your current college or university?
It’s paramount that the target university will be able to fulfill your biggest wants and needs. If any college can satisfy your requirements, then why should they select you? Your problem and solution should be as specific to the institution as possible.
For example, maybe you want to study marine life and you are currently enrolled at a land-locked institution. It makes perfect sense for you to apply to UCSB…
As a rule of thumb, you should not be able to interchange the target university’s name in your essay with any other institution.
If your application essay works regardless of the institution, you should consider adding more detail and purpose.
So how hard is it to transfer colleges?
The easy answer is that it’s just as difficult as applying to colleges normally, but the process is slightly different. Your college GPA and course load will be a larger factor than your high school GPA, unless you’re transferring after one year.
If you’re dead-set on transferring colleges, there are hundreds of schools with relatively high acceptance rates and you will likely find one to attend. However, if you’re trying to transfer into a competitive school then the process will be tough.