2024 Political Science/Government Scholarships Finder

How much total award money and scholarships are available for Political Science/Government students?

There are 1534 scholarships totaling $191,700.00 available to Political Science/Government students. You can easily browse through all 1534 scholarships below.

How many scholarships are available for Political Science/Government students?

1534 are available for Political Science/Government students.

How can you get Political Science/Government scholarships?

Each scholarship has different criteria and requirements for applicants. You can easily browse the each Political Science/Government scholarships by clicking to view its details. From the details page you’ll be able to find the application link.

AIAA Graduate Award
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Applicant must have completed a minimum of one semester of full-time graduate study with a GPA of no less than the equivalent of a 3.3. Applicant must intend to enter into some field of science or engineering encompassed by the technical activities of AIAA. Selection is based upon scholarship, research plan,...
January 31
College of Business, Information, and Social Sciences Dean's Scholarship
Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
Applicant must have a minimum 3.5 GPA and a minimum SAT reading and math combined score of 1200 (composite ACT score of 26). Three recommendations and a 1,000-word essay describing the applicant's professional and personal long-range goals are required.
February 15
Washington Crossing Foundation Scholarship
Washington Crossing Foundation
Applicant must be a U.S. citizen with a career interest in government service. Transcripts, letter of recommendation, essay, and standardized test scores are required to be submitted. Recipient will receive an all expenses paid weekend, including transportation and housing in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, to attend the Scholarship Awards Ceremony (which is...
January 15
Ellis W. Hawley Prize
Organization of American Historians
Awarded for the best book-length historical study or dissertation on the political economy, politics, or institutions of the U.S., concerning its domestic or international affairs from the Civil War to the present.
October 3
Richard A. Wiebe Public Service Fellowship
New York State Senate
Applicant must be a U.S. citizen and enrolled full-time in an accredited program. Recipient will be placed in the Majority Counsel/Program Services Office.
April 28
ARS Graduate Scholarship
Armenian Relief Society of Eastern USA (ARS), Inc.
Applicant must be of Armenian ancestry. Selection is based upon scholastic qualifications, financial need, and involvement in the Armenian community.
April 1
Betty Rendel Scholarship
National Federation of Republican Women
Applicant must be a female undergraduate student who has successfully completed at least two years of college course work and is majoring in political science, government or economics.
June 1
Health Research Training Program
New York City Department of Health
Applicant must be a New York City resident who is attending a metropolitan New York City school. The program offers internships in public health research, community outreach and education, fieldwork, laboratory work and administration to all college undergraduates, graduate, and professional school students.
March 15
Orville and Wilbur Wright Graduate Award
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Applicant must be a graduate-level student participating in a research endeavor as part of their engineering/science graduate studies, endeavors should include master's or doctoral thesis research and master's (non-thesis option) research projects.
January 31
Political Science Scholarship
University of Missouri - Columbia
Applicant must be enrolled at the University of Missouri at Columbia.
February 1 (Priority)
William E. Adams Memorial Scholarship
Eastern Illinois University
Applicant must be a full-time student at Eastern Illinois University minoring in pre-law (or majoring if History, if pre-law is not an option). Minimum 3.0 GPA required.
February 14
Patricia Collins Amaral Memorial Fund
Bridgewater State University
Applicant must be a senior who has a minimum 3.0 GPA and who has demonstrated the finest qualities of leadership through participation in campus organizations and has rendered service of significant benefit to the campus community.
February 15
Leo I. Shapiro Memorial Scholarship
Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
Applicant must have a minimum 3.0 GPA, 62 credits, and be able to demonstrate financial need.
March 15