Student resources: ACE tutoring

ACE tutoring, located in the lower level of the West Dining Center, offers free support for NDSU students in a variety of courses and subjects. Students can seek help either in-person at the ACE center or join a tutor online. 

Students like NDSU freshman Maxwell Marks swear by the program.  

“ACE has been a big part of my success in school,” said Marks, an agricultural and biosystems engineering major from Olivia, Minnesota. “ACE has helped me to get through classes and steered me in the right direction.” 

At ACE, students can build an academic network with other students who are interested in the same courses, increase their confidence and get the help they need to review the key concepts of a course. 

For more on ACE tutoring and other student resources at NDSU, visit #ndsu #fargo #northdakotastateuniversity #ndsustudentresources