Student resources: Multicultural Programs

NDSU’s Office of Multicultural Programs is a student-centered, culturally diverse program located in the Memorial Union. The office provides students with campus resources, support and guidance to help them succeed and excel on and off campus.

Multicultural Programs assists the NDSU community in creating a culturally inclusive and sensitive campus by providing support programs, co-sponsorship of cultural events and tools for personal growth experiences. It strives to help students graduate through recruitment, retention and outreach programs. Services to prospective students include assistance with the application procedures for admission, financial aid and housing.

“We work with unrepresented students from the undergraduate and graduate levels” said Multicultural Programs director Jaclynn Wallette. “The Office of Multicultural Programs is a place for students with unrepresented backgrounds to meet others who share the same backgrounds. It’s a place to visit, connect and become better engaged with campus.”

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