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Admitted Student Day with Katie
Katie takes us along for SAU's 2022 Admitted Student Day!
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The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Hey, guys. My name is Katie andtoday is Admitted Students Dayhere at St. Ambrose Universityand I'll be taking you along toall the different events thatare happening this morning. So,let's go!And one group went to Memphisto Living Lands and Waterswhich is an organization thatdoes Mississippi River cleanup.A lot of students are reallyinterested in sustainabilityand taking care of our Earth sothat's a very popular trip.They go on a barge and pullgarbage out of the Mississippi.To care for and still providean emotional support. Thebasic function of the animal isto provide that emotionalsupport for you. So it's anextension of you and you haveto take care of it.
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