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Meet Bridget O'Connor, Senior in Applied Exercise Science Program
Meet Bridget, Senior in Applied Exercise Science Program
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
I just had an investor's, I give tours on campus and I'm also part of the women's soccer team. One of the main reasons I just think field is, I'm a very shy person and it was like one of my first tours and I was so comfortable. Like I was comfortable even though I didn't know anything and I'm somebody that like my little comfort zone, so I was comfortable before. I've made some of my best friends here and I don't know what I would do without. I like the union because you can do, you work there, but also socialized but also eat. Uh, I feel like it's just a great environment. I think it's important to definitely obviously do tours but go someplace where you feel comfortable and you feel like you can expand.
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