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Meet Sarah, a First-Year Student-Athlete at Susquehanna
Meet Sarah, a Freshman Student-Athlete at Susquehanna
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Hi, my name is Sarah War Go and I am currently a freshman at Susquehanna University. I have not declared a major yet and I love how Susquehanna gives you time to explore and find the right path for yourself. The first thing that drew me to Susquehanna was the athletics, I wanted to play softball. Then once I came on a campus tour, I immediately fell in love with the campus. I am so happy to be a part of such a close knit community. I've only known them for such a short period of time. I have the amazing coaches and staff to go to if I ever need anything. I am so excited to see what these four years have in store for me.
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