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Mckenna gives some advice to incoming freshman
Boston College is a very hard school to get into and with that comes an academically rigorous program. It may be a shock how much reading is assigned each night for your classes, but staying organized and managing time is key to doing well. Getting involved in clubs can also act as a stress reliever and a great way to meet people on campus
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So one of my friends touched upon this in one of her interviews. One thing that I wish I knew before coming into a freshman year is that you will actually have to try. I know that sounds silly because obviously it's college and it's going to be harder than high school. Depending on the classes, I either could have studied a lot or I didn't have to study it all. In college, it's definitely more important that you study for all your classes. There will be a lot more work, and it's definitely a culture shock coming to college from high school and having such a big change. You pretty much just pretty quickly and everyone's in the same boat. So don't feel too overwhelmed because everyone is in your shoes.
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