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Sam shows you around a typical BC Classroom
Stokes Hall was a $78 million investment and was recently completed in 2012. It's the first new academic facility on the Chestnut Hill part of campus in 45 years. The building houses 36 classrooms, conference rooms, and a performance/lecture hall.
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
I'm inside Stokes, which is one of buildings. So it's like most m cat English history on that much other random classes. Um, what Anyways, this is what a typical clashing looks like. I'd say I have most of their classes in rooms like this as an English calm major. I think that a lot of people with similar majors and people who are in Lynch could say the same. I said, the only classes that get really big here are like our core history classes, science classes and, like the beginning, classes for the pre med or business class is those our own bigger lecture halls. Those never really exceed like a hundred students.
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