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Q & A: How to use the Campus Directory?
This super effective campus directory is found at the entrance of Hunter's West Building, which is located right outside of the 6 train when you enter. It gives you step by step navigation to any of your classes. Extremely helpful if you're an introvert like me, and are too afraid to ask anyone for directions. ( dont be shy though, we're all nice people who understand the struggle, even I get lost sometimes!)
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
This life sort of that basically help you find your way out issue. If you look on the side, there is a way go to for years. It's your first day and like something your video pal, you don't have to, Wow, that's so you don't have to take a video because he was like this Q R code right here. In case you're more official, really, that's a visual like if you bye directions, that's perfect.
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