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Quad Creek Cafe
Quad is a great place to grab food on the go. It's a food court style dining hall with a Mediterranean station, sub station, Chinese station, Mexican station, grill station, pizza station and a salad station. Quad is known for their chicken wraps and quesadillas! You can use your meal swipes here and with every swipe you get your main dish, two sides and a drink.
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
We're remained dining halls, which is a country cafe. They have female station station station where you can make, like, like burritos and wraps and that kind of thing. Ron, if I'm hungry and I need to get to class, it's a really great place. What has specific hours that is open during weekdays and weekends. During the weekdays, it's open from eleven AM until midnight. So I'm here now to meet some of my friends for lunch. What's your favorite thing? No. Your house. So definitely will be able to find something that you like.
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