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Priscilla talks about her typical Friday Night at Georgetown & the role of Greek Life
A typical Friday night at Georgetown for Priscilla starts with a pregame and then from there she will go wherever there is something happening. There is greek life at Georgetown but many students aren't apart of it and parties typically are held on campus or downtown.
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
I am here for So why don't you tell me about your typical Friday night at Georgetown? Typical Friday night, I think basically, I'm pre gaming at one of my friends dorms. Like, we're trying to figure out where we want to go for the night. Odds are way might go to a campus party if it's fun or just, like, go out into the sea, find a club. Um, and I'm, like, currently in authority, called DP. But like Greek life on campus is like, not really that big of a deal like they don't go so hard, you know? Okay. So would you say that like a lot of Georgetown community is in Greek life? Twenty? Uh, I really like it like it doesn't rule the world, man.
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