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You're just going to be seeing my different college reactions from the start of the school year all the way till now and said he has actually made for it and just notice how different. I like going from black hair too clearly here to blonde here. Okay, so today is January alone, and I just got is this, um, go high is one of the coaches, and I really wanted to go, so I mean, come on, this is your future starts here. I am delighted to advise that you have been accepted into this associate and science degree. So up to Okay, so city is Jane re 11 and I just got a lot of from Alfred State. I'm not sure this is an acceptance that are This is just so I'm telling you, I'm missing something because I got an acceptance letter from Del High. It was like a big package, making it clear got accepted in Potsdam was just a regular envelope like this, so I really don't know what it is. To be honest, I just got a letter from him, like, two days ago, saying I'm missing something. That ugly fees, your application for admission South, as they have been thoroughly reviewed after carefully violate, uh, evaluation of all information provided with star that we cannot offer you admission today is Jane Worry. I got accepted into dough higher, but I got declined by Alfred States, so Yeah. So I got this from Farmingdale, and honestly, I don't know what it is. I really don't because, Pop, Stan, I got accepted into their They sent me a little regular looking envelope, so I don't think you're telling me that I was missing something, But then it was an acceptance letter and then no high. Know what? Things come in the mail If it's an acceptance letter letter saying that I didn't get in or I'm telling me that I'm missing something. Okay, so I got in, but I don't think the acceptance letter guy here, but this is a clear indication that I got in because it's telling me, like when I speak to my advisor when I look at my schedule, Yeah, I'm not. I guess I'm not happy for this one because, like, I really have to stay here and figure out if I got accepted or not. Um, I just got a whole much the mail and I received this from New England College. Honestly, I think I think some things that you couldn't like greatness inside. Every time I get an acceptance letter, they always make it. You've been admitted to the way the college for the false 1 90 semester to receive the New England Scholarship in about $24,000. God, I'm gonna be opening up a letter from Sonny Moore's ago. General admission to the individual studies program at SUNY Moore's Ville. It's just like the letter was in a weirdly formatted way. Like in made it hard to realize that I can't accept it. Please sound Form that you have been granted admission to the State University of New York Cottage at Plattsburgh for 4 to 19 semester. Congratulations Probably don't know, to be honest, it is my distinct pleasure. Like if I look hello, crazy so much, it's got a lot of Mom, New Paltz, and I don't know if it's an acceptance letter of they're gonna tell me I'm missing something for my application because, like, from conscious, they send you like a big package. It's, um because they just don't know a little bit of both. They both make something what is like I really don't know anyone, but I'm opening up. Thank you for your interest in attending SUNY New Paltz. Your application for admission for the military name, things that must have been received, the reviewed have to give consideration of your credentials. We were quite that were any butts off for your mission at this time with a limited amount of seats for freshman class with the pool of qualified applicants for exceeding that number for admission. Okay, so what city? It's February 23rd and I just got a package from So spiegel. I don't really know that I got in the because, like, the way they haven't packaged it shows you like it shows right here. See it just coming in a folder like that's what the papers also, you wouldn't see her address, but that's about it. Okay, you were selected from my highly talented pool of applicants, so yeah, that was this. It's one thing I know, like, probably look different from the last time. We are pleased to offer you admission to sin can slip a large general studies program that we were found you academically overqualified for GOP program. I got five shoe boxes and a bottle of lotion holding up the phone right now like it is really sad. But anyways, I applied to a total of a total of 21 schools for somebody of schools that you didn't see. So I was able to record my reaction, cause I didn't know that it was like a rejection letter or acceptance that it was rejected from SUNY Binghamton, SUNY, Stony Brook, SUNY New Paltz. I hope you and make sure to like, common shares describe, and it's a non postal applications because my channel is growing and I am so happy Signal Sher Sher Sher Sher..