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Megan takes you down Greek Row at Berkeley
Greek life is not an overwhelming part of campus but there are many people in Greek life and they love it! All the houses are in a great location south east of campus. It’s up to you to decide if Greek life is a fit for you or not. It’s possible to have a social life if you’re not in the Greek community but Greek life also has its perks!
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Some of the houses there's front and sorority houses. Um, I am not angry, Cliff, so I don't really know. Well, any of them are, but I'm sure give you guys look around. There's maybe two or three different streets that have a bunch of different Greek like houses on it. Next unit one into so they're not too far off campus. If one year you do decide to live with your Greek life housing, you will not be far off. It's the circle in the middle, kind of where Greek row is. We dio night rallies where we walk around, play all the Cal songs, all the different housing units, and we stopped it. You can see there's a bunch of different pumps is right here.
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