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Megan takes you on an extended tour through town!
There are so many great restaurants surrounding campus. Pick a type of food, we have it. The accessibility makes being a Berkeley student so convenient. No more needing to drive 10 minutes and find a parking spot to get a burrito bowl.
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There's also a Wells Fargo create posted campus on the other side and in front of us fifty six and great wants to buy all your hear that everywhere every day. You want cards and humanity is I suggest that's where you do it. Um, there's a peaceful place that Senor ease pizza. I went to for the first time two days ago because they were giving out free user so good, actually get something. This is what we call the Asian ghetto because there's a lot of Asian, too. Top dog, which is a place that culture always that and up on the corner. So this is one of the main streets that we have If you want to grab a bite to eat. I said you can't really go wrong ending on here.
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