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Ragini describes her Typical Friday Night & her Extra Curricular Involvement
No matter what you like to do for fun, you will find people to do it with! Staying in or going out, you will have a great time here at UC Berkeley
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
What do you What would you say? Your typical Friday night is like you in Greek life. Do you hang out with friends? So I'm not much of a party force. So creek like freak like isn't something that I like indulged in at all. So my Friday night is probably like club events like usually have a social on Friday night. Or maybe just sitting in and like watching a movie with friends or like hanging out, just like catching up with reading me what clubs or you're part of some part of us always carry Georgia on. There's a collegiate version ofthe water, the International. So we have that kind of service events every weekend.
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