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Ragini shares the Best Classes shes taken at Berkeley
There are so many cool classes to take at Berkeley! Whatever you’re interested in, you will find a class on it at Berkeley! If you can’t, Berkeley has a program cal DeCals where students can create and teach their own class. There are classes on Harry Potter, cupcake baking, pre-health, how to find an internship and so many more!
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
What have been your favorite? What has been your favorite class at Berkeley and why that is again a tough question, because I've taken like one or two classes every semester that's opened my mind to so many new things. So I think one of them would be a class on Sylvia. It was It was just good looking Asian American studies cars. We started with the summer will be our abode, the makes and slavery system about like how the FBI monitors everything. Then I took a class and development studies what, like the history of development and underdevelopment says they're learning all of about the boy bank and his new liberalism Still say that just two off the classes that have really liked you.
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