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Tour of the Berkeley Cafe (CAFE 3)
Tour of Unit 3's common cafe. This video shows a bit of footage of how the dining looks, even though there is not much permission to film within the cafe. Reference the other video to see how points work. *not mentioned in the video, but CAFE 3 is a fully vegan cafe that always has vegan options for those that partake in a vegan practice* Enjoy!
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
For the record, I wasn't able to recording Cafe three. So video you're seeing right now is use the outsider just my food, because if they were to catch me recording, I probably be spend it. Now I'm completely line, but there's a strict no recording policy, so I try my best. Just no respect the policy at Berkeley, but Cafe three is the most famous resident hall dining hall. If you want to know about the meal plans, I'll do another video about it. It's really good Cafe at times, and sometimes I really wish it was just like that.
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