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Campus Housing - Dorm Your
This is what a typical Quad style and a double room will look like. Here's some ins and outs on finding a good roommate and more!
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
UC Davis is divided in housing into three Segundo Motor Center. These are the buildings where I stayed in my freshman units of the building right behind me, which is the Rienda Hall, was where I stayed with my roommate. So when you apply for housing at UC Davis, um, on the website, you can fill in your references. So when you usually see what your duties get you like and they usually pair you with someone of similar interest to you, there is another way of finding who mates for yourself. So if you go on Facebook and few typing UC Davis class off whatever class you're part ofthe. So I was a part of class with twenty twenty one and I posted a bit about myself and my likings, and that's where I actually met my roommate.
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