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the ARC (Anteater Recreation Center)
Our new ARC features a full size track, two indoor gyms, and a beautiful pool. There are basketball courts for playing with your friends, a snack bar, towels and locks for rent, and full size locker rooms with showers. Fitness classes like pilates, yoga, zumba, F45 HIIT, and body pump are also offered for fees lower than a regular gym. All other facilities at the arc are free to full-time students!
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
There's a people are just so nice against like on Tannoy. Lakhs? These rooms are really cool because you can rent them out with your friends to play like tennis Racquet ball. Usually it's a little bit less crowded than the other one, because the other one has, like all the guys, heavy lifting and a lot more free weights. So. I always lay out there ten so gorgeous today. See how they actually provide you with, like, kick boards, booties and like floaties, if you will.
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