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Cindi's Campus Introduction
Get to know a little bit about Cindi before she starts her campus tour of the University of Central Florida (UCF). In this video, you'll learn about who she is, where she's from, and what she's studying at UCF.
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Today I'll be giving you guys a tour of the University of Central Florida. That's UCF for short here in Orlando, Florida before we get started, I give you guys a quick intro who I am, where I'm from and what I do here. I'm originally from Jamaica, and I grew up in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, which is South Florida, and it came here to you. So you have to study civil engineering Currently in my senior year, which, for engineering majors, typically your four, five or six. I'm in my fifth years, I've been here price in time, and I've seen this campus kind of growing evolved. Um, so that'll be gotten an intro of myself out of the way.
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