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Late Night Studying? Come to the MLC!
The Miller Learning Center is one of the best places to study on campus. Open 24/7, the MLC provides a variety of different studying environments, from private study rooms to quiet group areas even to a coffee shop with comfy chairs! Here, Meredith explains the MLC and takes you inside one of the study rooms.
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It means at this point this master students running into exams, which means a lot of us are stuck letting myself. So I came here to the Miller running the M L. C. Just to get time. So twenty four hours seventeen the first floors lecture hall room, second floor has a durden fourth floors. Good old Noakes you consider in comfy chairs, tables. Actually, one of the beer, right? He and actually, now I kind of don't want to. You bring those yourself? Really? It's such a nice resource. Like he used to study in a time of And also here's one to the laptop. Third floor is like semi quiet and fourth floors like silent. I can still talk, but now I'm gonna walk you down the hall until you're just the study rooms.
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