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Fran Explains & Shows Quads (Part 1)
Part 1: UK does not necessarily have quads, but we do have certain areas that always have a heavy flow of students (like the 'bowl paths' in front of the library in this video). Usually students can be seen walking here to get from one side of the campus to the other, and since so many students come to the library it is a central spot for walking paths and nice hang-out areas when the weather is great!
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
I just tell you about, like, the different quads and areas of Yukos campus. Um, stance you, Kay's campus is so large, we don't really have specific quads. The library's behind me right now, we have this really big O, and this is kind of like the central point between, um, north campus in central campus. So you'll see a lot of students, like walking here during the day. It's like five right now, so there aren't a lot of people out. Um, you'll see a lot of people like walking around this bull. Um, and when the weather's really nice out, people can like, um Laboy. Then also there will be, like, benches and Adirondack chairs, kind of everywhere.
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