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Learn about the Stamp Student Union
The Student Union is a great alternative to the dining hall if you want something to eat, and it also provides students with a lot of opportunities to do something fun! In the video, the person behind the desk mentions SEE (Student Entertainment Events), which is an on-campus organization that organizes fun events on campus to enhance student life.
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
So now at the stamp student union and my friend who was working here is going to tell us all about it. So that's that We, of course, have the food court. Tomorrow there's a coop downstairs that has tons of healthy and nutritious food. If that's what you're feeling in Terps on, there's also a bowling alley. There's tons of TVs where you can watch pretty much any game imaginable. If you're into that, and then if you're student group needs to have any kind of events. You want to have a formal dance or you just want to be together on their meeting rooms in Sam. Of course, called Theatre, holds all kinds of events.
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