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Alwin shares some advice!
This is the end of the College Park Tour! I hope you enjoyed it and I am looking forward to seeing you all here! Remember what it means to be a Terp! Be Fearless!
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Part guys that we've reached the end of our tour at the University College Park. During this entire tour, I had the opportunity of seeing places that I didn't usually get to see on. There's so many different places that have yet to be discovered. You'll probably have the same problem as soon as you come down here to Well, you're probably thinking to yourself how and how do I become fearless? Listen, guys, the fact of the matter is this is an incredible learning environment. If you go here, not only will you be surrounded by people who love you and care about you and constantly encourage you to open up your mind different experiences. I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here in College Park just as much as I do.
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