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Do you know exactly where your building's located? Just, you know, it's all North. Campus is in the Cambridge community, which is the scholars community for the college Mark Scholars program. Always different scholars programs have the different buildings in this community. It's Theo stories quote like dorms on Sam's a really close by everything. It's like a four minute walk to library closed by stamp. Everything is well, I noticed that you guys, like, have like a form Yeah, way across the way. Do you have the farm? A lot of the animal sciences, like, uh, mostly animal science classes happened there. We also have, like Jandi Dairy, which makes ice cream fresh from the cow's milk on our farm and a lot of the produce from the dining hall on stuff. I brought my own lights and makes it a little more roomy way. We'll just put on like the lions and stuff because the overhead lights of the rooms come with very harsh. Have any advice that you would give to, you know, incoming freshmen are, you know, just like any general activity advice that they probably taken a consideration whenever they wake up into the morning. So you don't think I would recommend the shower shoes because, yeah, the bathroom's while they're clean Day aren't the cleanest, So shower shoes are a must. It's just pictures and like stuff to decorate your you can see We have hung up a lot of pictures and stuff on, I guess, some general, just like living in a dorm kind of thing. I know it's cliche be like Leave your door open. That's how I made, like a majority of my friends. I mean, it helps that we're right next to the bathroom. I bombard them and say hello, but it was nice to get the door. You know what it is? And make sure you become a terp if you don't. So transfer to college Park and stop being a scaredy cat.