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Check Out Breakfast at Everybody's Kitchen
Everybody's Kitchen offers more home-style meals on a regular basis than any of the three dining halls on campus. Because of how close it is to freshman housing, many first-year students eat here on a regular basis. The variety of breakfast options available makes it a popular place to find students before morning classes.
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Here we are at E. V K. Everybody's kitchen dining hall. Thiss is primarily around freshmen housing on, So yeah, they're known for kind of having the best breakfast of all the dining house. He'll come around and like sit on people's laps and stuff that you eat outside. All that usually do like soups here during launch and salad. They do smoothies every morning, and they have breakfast until, like brunch until two on the weekends. Like if you have a late night on the weekends, that's kind of how everything goes. It's a Saturday morning right now, so not many people are in the dining. Almost station like you saw on my table and they do little waffles with us.
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