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Strolling Through SGM's Chemistry Lecture Hall
Close to Parkside, the dark side of campus, lies SGM. It's an eleven-story high office building and is home to USC's rigorous chemistry department. Here's a look at one of its empty lecture halls, which does not happen very often unless it's a Friday lecture at 9 a.m.
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
We are in the silly G mud building SG M And this was a look at a typical lecture hall here, so I'd say the seats about two hundred people, um, as she m is like, chemistry building. So they have all this cool come stuff like periodic tables at the top. These little things not sure what they are but appear. Then your professor, when they put up lecture slides and stuff, they'll be on the TV. So you'll be able to see them from behind into the sides. Then they also show up all these big projector screens. Like, a chalkboard, which is sometimes hard to see, Like if you're sitting all the way at the top. Like, if you want to see, really, just sit down close to the front.
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