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Mckenna shows you around the Plex (BC's gym on campus) and all the different fitness options
Bc's Plex is a focal point on campus. People at BC are very fit and workout here often. They are, however, building a new gym which will be done before the fall of 2019 so any freshman will get to experience that one. The Plex has various classes such as Spin, Zumba, Yoga and more, as well as various machines, free weights, courts, and a swimming pool for whatever workout you want to do.
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
So right now I'm standing right outside of the plex with it, which is a B C's Jim on Main campus. There's also a smaller one on the Newton campus. If your freshmen and you have to live there, but next year they're going to be finished with the new gym. So any of you people who are thinking of applying are going to have that Jim, and it's super nice where they're building it right now. If you're going to transfer something like that, they have a bunch of classes available for free for students at the plaques. They also have a ton of machines and free weights for whatever you want to do with Jim. This is just what it looks like from the outside, right? Dog.
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