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Hunter Tours: The 68th street Campus
this is the main campus- here I show you how to get into the school, and the different buildings and where theyre situated. if you're ever in the wrong building, dont worry! you can navigate from inside because theyre all interconnected on the 3rd floor. we're in nyc and theres like no space so there no actual " campus ". it's just buildings :/
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So I'm standing literally right outside of six. Train station on the best part about this school is that that's the sixteen station you come up on DH, that's where you enter. So it's so convenient in the winter, like you literally have to walk maybe, like, twenty steps in order to get to school from the train station. It's very, very, very, very convenient On the building that we're looking at here is the West, all things. It doesn't matter which will then you start at because they're all connected by the, uh, bridges north right here. So that's the North welding, and it's connected by that little bridge there on What is this East that is East, and it's connected by that bridge right there.
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