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Indian Quad Dining Hall
The Indian quad dining hall is a premier place to eat on campus and is full of great options for all students
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Now I'm going to give you a tour of the dining hall quickly. So I'm gonna walk out of these doors and give you Cem Cem points here where's things are in the Indian flawed dining home. They do subtype sandwiches, small sandwiches, all different types of breads on. Obviously, they're seating behind me everywhere. Turn in your dishes when you finish eating, help them out from not having the collector dishes. On. Great workers behind me is where most of the food is. That is where you would get your burgers, fries, all those types of things. Behind me now is where you could get bagels, All those types of things. The great ice cream machines, all these types of different things in the dining hall, so there is many different great options.
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