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Farewell video
Some closing thoughts on my time spent here at UAlbany
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Well, sadly, it looks like our time here has come to an end. Um, I just want to say that college has been a great time. Your universe here will be to grow and understand who I am, not only as a person, but here I am, this world in the society that we live in, that ever growing and constantly changing and who I am as a person in my role in this society and what I want to contribute and take away from it, uh, has been all that that I've discovered well here, the university, they're all of me. It's been an instrumental time in my life that I would never want to trade for anything. You already have made so many memories and met so many amazing people from my closest friends. Got to go to some great events, watched a few games.
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