Pennies on Statues, Monsters Inc., and more!

Former Texas A&M University President Lawrence Sullivan "Sul" Ross has been helping students survive finals week since 1891. This statue of "Sully" represents much more than just someone that once was in charge of the university, but an individual who truly cared about the students, and showcased the Aggie Spirit in many aspects of life. When you pass this statue, you'll notice stacks of pennies at the base. The tradition to put a "penny on Sully" is expressed because it was said that Ross would help students with their studies, when the students would ask how they could repay him, he would simply reply with, "A penny for your thoughts." If you ever need good luck before a big exam, Sully's got you! It's also said that Sully from the popular Pixar movie Monsters, Inc. was named after our very own Lawrence Sullivan Ross!