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UCF Campus Events: Market Wednesday
Cindi gives a quick peek at what happens on Wednesday at UCF - this is what UCF students know as Market Wednesday. On Wednesdays from 10am - 3pm there are tons of vendors and student organizations in front of the Student Union tabling and selling merchandise. This is one of the most active days on campus during the spring and fall semesters - more active in the fall than in the spring.
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
So today's Wednesday and that it's a very important detail about this particular video, because on one stays we have market Wednesday here at UCF, which is basically a market in front of the student union. Um, there are a ton of sense out here, so I'll just give you guys a quick tour of what's out here today so you can see what the market wants a typically looks like. Over here's where most of the organizations that are on campus will be table ing. We have C s A over here, which is the Caribbean Students Association.
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