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The Green and the Kissing Arches
The Green is home to many of the academic buildings on campus. When it's nice out, students love hanging out on The Green (myself included). The Green is also where the university will hold various events. The kissing arches split the Green. The other side is filled with more academic buildings, labs, and Morris Library.
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
So this is the green where most of the academic buildings are on our campus and the green is currently recovering from winter's. It's usually a lot prettier, and these arches ahead are known as the kissing arches because when Delaware was separated on one side for females on the other side, for males, this is where sweethearts would say goodbye to each other before curfew every night. So if you kiss under these arches, you secure your double del status, which basically means you both graduated from Delaware. Once we keep walking there, we end up in this part. This is where Morris library is along with other academic buildings, and if you keep walking there, more dorm's over there.
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