A Walk from Genesee to Dandelion Square

The area Ada covers in this walk is home to the most important non-academic buildings in campus. Two dining halls, a gym, and the student activity center are all located in this area. She also discusses the UofR mythology behind the clock tower in Dandelion Square. !here_should_be_iframe! <iframe src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/streetview?key=AIzaSyDdyNxaQBOZo1XeMHjcotBK0uAFJa0VL0M&location=43.12953586227835,-77.62901962227454&heading=270&pitch=0&fov=35" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe> !here_should_be_latitude! 43.12953586227835 !here_should_be_longitude! -77.62901962227454