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Views from MLK Plaza!
One of my favorite places on campus! A giant celebration of the diversity here at USF. We were the FIRST desegregated public school in the state of Florida!
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
It says injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Reverend Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. This is what he looks like, so if in fact, this actually the exact height of Martin Luther King. So I don't know how to get in there, so he wasn't much taller than me. Um, so So these lines on the floor are actually pointing geographically to places where Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jr held his speeches. So one of them leads to Washington D. C One of the leads to Boston have over here. So this is a replica of the one in Washington D. C. And all the way on that back over there is an entire transcript of the I have a Dream speech.
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