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Common Room Study Sesh
Many students study in their dorm's common room because it is close to their rooms but removed enough so they can focus on schoolwork. The Stone Davis common room is representative of most dorm's common rooms, complete with couches, a TV, and a table to work at. Common rooms also host weekly teas and dorm meetings.
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
I'm in my favorite study space on campus, which is the common room in my dorm with a friend, Alexis and my friend Ashley Alexis actually works for admissions here. So I was going to ask her to see if you've been packs. Fact about Wellesley is at fifty six percent of restaurant bodies on financial aid. This roughly twenty percent of arson population is first generation students. It's also it's for like a recreational space. We have tea here every Thursday and we have house counsel, which is a dorm offline meeting every Tuesday.
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