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Tiler takes you through the Usdan University Center
Welcome to the Usdan University Center. This is one of the main student hubs on campus. If you ever need a quick snack or coffee in between classes, Usdan has you covered. There's an awesome cafeteria upstairs as well.
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You have meeting rooms with your insides sometimes where you know practices will be held or very groups are auditions with house here, you hear me? Their culture's TV. There is a prince. Uh, basically, like you could just come here and chill out. There's a pool table over there, and that's pretty cool. There's also a store with my food and drinks and coffee. Are you just gonna grab a quick snack before class? Also upstairs is the cafeteria, which is really great. So you come here whenever you ever package or we check your mailbox for any male that maybe your parents sent to you, so it's pretty cool.
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