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Columbia Dorm Talk with Narizza
Columbia first-years are able to choose from five different dorms. John Jay is the biggest and comprised of singles and doubles. Located there is also two dining halls and health services. Carman is suite-style and super social. Furnald is quiet and mostly made up of singles. The Living Learning Center (LLC) dorms are Hartley and Wallach where freshmen are able to dorm with upperclassmen who are like mentors.
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That's pretty much made for introverts who are also like extroverted thirty one week since, like, if your make sure of those types of people fear social. So it's really for the people who are really social all the time. Fernald is more for like, the people who want to keep to themselves. I do know people in Fernald where basically, John J. People but didn't get to live in John D because I don't know the system just didn't put them in their favor. Those are people like freshmen can live with, um, like upperclassmen. John Jay has John J. Dining Hall and J. J's, which is open twenty two hours and yeah.
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