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Welcome to Columbia's Quad!
In the middle of Columbia's Quad is college walk! You enter from 116th and Broadway or Amsterdam into our open campus. During the winter, Columbia lights the trees for a beautiful sight. Around the quad are the main places every student goes to for class, studying, or even getting a bite! This is probably the place you see pictured on our pamphlets.
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
We're walking in front of our squad. Um, here's Greg again of behind us is but little library, uh, on the side, you can sort of see Lerner here's a freshman dorm called Fernald. See on the scientist of that side of the cloud, because there's John Jay, and that's where I live. Those are the L also use like upperclassmen live with the freshmen there. How's it like living in an aisle seat? It's good. Here they, like, light up those trees right there. It's going, by the way, Uh, here's the thing. There's that says it's a library, but there's no bucks in. They're just people, everything's so here's college rock.
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