Nutrition Sciences

What can you do with a Nutrition Sciences degree?

A degree in nutrition sciences offers individuals a range of job opportunities in bo th public and private settings, and y ou could choose to move into a career to become a dietician, nutritionist, health educator, or a registered nurse.

Several colleges across the United States offer nutrition sciences degrees or similar vocations, so choosing the best option for your future career goals is vital to achieving your goals.

Our guide below highlights whether a degree in nutrition sciences could be the perfect option for your studies. You can also see the types of jobs available and the expected salary you could receive in these roles.

Is a Nutrition Sciences degree the right choice for me?

If you are passionate about helping people and want to contribute to improving the health and lifestyles of individuals, a nutrition science s major is an ideal choice for you.

While a bachelor’s degree in nutrition sciences or a similar field is required for jobs in this sector, many roles will also require a license.

What jobs can I obtain with a degree in Nutrition Sciences?

There is a range of jobs with a nutrition sciences degree in medical and healthcare settings across the country available . Take a look at some of the most rewarding and lucrative options to gain an idea of where you could take your career :


These roles are very similar and typically involve advising people on how to lead a healthier lifestyle by guiding them on what to eat. You may work in a range of areas such as clinics, nursing homes, ho spitals, and private consultancies . This job could also be part of a public service or commercial setting.

The average nutrition sciences salary for a dietician/nutritionist is $61,270. Job growth is expected to be 8% between 2019 and 2029, faster than the average.

Health Educator/Community Health Worker

Health educators teach people and communities the best ways to promote wellness. A community health worker is a data-collecting role and compiles information on health concerns in communities and populations.

The average wage of a health educator is $55,220, and a community health worker is $40,360. Both jobs are projected to grow by 13% between 2019 and 2029, much higher than the average.

How do I choose the right college to study for my Nutrition Sciences degree?

The selection of colleges that offer a degree in nutritional sciences can be overwhelming, so it is essential to choose the right course for your career objectives. The right college will positively impact your learning experience and ensure you thrive within the setting.

If you’re unsure where to start looking for information about your top college choices, CampusReel is a great place to find authentic re views on schools across the United States. We have over 15,000 student videos on everything from campus life and dorm tours to college facilities and societies to join.

There’s everything you need to make the best choice for you, so sign up free today for more information.