What Can I Do with A Film , Video and Photographic Arts Degree?

The entertainment industry is one of the biggest, best-paying industries in the entire world. Your job in the entertainment industry will be fun, challenging, and exciting. Projects can range from advertisements to the biggest budget motion picture films. The industry pays exceptionally well, but just as actors need to work hard to “make it”, entering the entertainment industry and building your credentials is hard, and takes time.

A good way to make your break into the industry is with a Film, Video, and Photographic Arts degree. It is perfect for those who want to get involved behind the camera, either as a filmmaker, editor, director, or photographer.

What will you learn in a Film, Video, and Photographic Arts Degree?

Courses included in your Film/Video and Photographic Arts major are film production, lighting, cinematography, video and image editing, and so much more. Unlike other similar degrees, a film, video and photographic arts degree focus primarily on the skills you need to work in the industry and deliver a high-quality product successfully.

You will usually have the option to specialize or choose a concentration as well, allowing you to focus on film or video studies, cinematography, film video production, photography, documentaries, and more.

What is the Film, Video and Photographic Arts Careers?

There are so many jobs with a Film/Video and Photographic Arts degree, and as you will be working in the entertainment industry, it is important to note that the Film and Photographic arts salary has a massive scale. Those working on big movie blockbusters will earn substantially more than those who work in marketing departments.


Film producers oversee the entire film or production. They work to secure financing, hire the team, and give final say and direction over the project. The average salary overall for a film or TV producer is $69,800, but again big names earn hundreds of thousands.

Film Director

Currently, there is an average of 159,500 directors and producers currently working in the USA. To put into perspective the pay difference, half of these producers and directors earn less than $74,000. The top ten percent of film directors and producers will earn over $100,000 more.


Photographers are another field where the median wage varies drastically. On average you can earn between $42,750 to $75,000 per year, but if you make a significant name for yourself, your wage can go into the hundreds of thousands.

Film and Video Editors

Film and Video editors earn an average of $43,466 during the start of their career, and with over 10 years of experience earn a median wage of $86,830.

Camera Operators

Camera operators can work almost anywhere. In film, sports, news, documentaries, and beyond. For those working on television, video, and in motion pictures, the average salary is between $69,233 to $104,080. For those working in news or other smaller projects, the average salary is between $34,237 and $50,709.

How to Choose the Best Film, Video, And Photographic Arts Degree

Creative degrees need campus support. They need so much more than good lectures, but a great space where creativity can flourish. If the campus life or quality of life you have on the campus aren’t up to par, then your creativity cannot be released. Health and emotional wellbeing are two of the most important pillars to your success and hating your dorm room or not clicking with the vibe on campus can hurt your chances of success before they even begin.

CampusReel makes it easy to find real information, from real students, about campus life and facilities. This way, you don’t have to second-guess yourself, and you don’t need to spend hours of your time – or even hundreds in cash – to get to the open days. Search from universities and colleges around the country and get the answers you need.

A great campus makes for a great degree because you need that supportive, healthy space for your creativity to take flight.