General Overview

Morehead State University MBA has a total enrollment of 15 full-time students. The reported tuition is $570.00 per year. The program is 60.0% male and 40.0% female.
Outcomes for graduates of the Morehead State University MBA are promising. N/A% of students were employed at graduation. Additionally, N/A% were employed 3 months after graduation.
The average base salary for graduates was N/A.
Lastly, the application deadline is Rolling.
Another Useful Metric to Consider is the Program's Yield
That is, how many students that get accepted also accept their admittance? This is an important metric for MBA programs, because if they have a high yield it means they can accept fewer applicants and still reach their enrollment goals.
How long will it take you to earn your money back on the Morehead State University MBA?
How long will it take you to earn your money back on the Morehead State University MBA?
Assuming you make $100.000 per year before the program, and after earning your diploma your salary increases by 20% to $120.000, you’d earn your money back in 0 years.
Out of the 43 applicants that were accepted to Morehead State University MBA, 15 decided to enroll full-time. This equates to a 0% yield. So, now you have an overview of the general competitiveness of Morehead State University MBA.
Morehead State University MBA reported an average GMAT score of 580.0 for its accepted students. Additionally, it reported an average GRE Verbal score of 157 and GRE Quantitative score of 156.
The average undergraduate GPA of admitted applicants was N/A. Additionally, N/A students had prior work experience, with an average of months of previous work experience - N/A years.
Frequently Asked Questions about Morehead State University MBA
What is the Morehead State University MBA acceptance rate?
The acceptance rate for Morehead State University MBA is 87.76%.
What is the average GMAT score for Morehead State University MBA?
The average GMAT score of accepted students at Morehead State University MBA is 580.0.
What is the average undergraduate GPA required to get into Morehead State University MBA?
Admitted students had an average GPA of N/A.
How can I get into Morehead State University MBA?
To increase your chances of getting into Morehead State University MBA, you should aim for an undergraduate GPA of N/A, a GMAT score of false, and about N/A months of work experience.